Water Friend or Foe

Resource: Water: Friend or Foe. Discovery Education

Year level: Year 3-4

Subject: Design and Technology

Strand: Digital and Technologies Process and Production Skills

Sub-strand: Creating digital solutions by: Evaluating (4.6)

Cross Curriculum Priorities and general capabilities
Literacy (LIT)
Critical and Creative Thinking (CCT)
Personal and Social Capability (PSC)

Link to other learning areas: Geography and Science

This lesson is explicit and direct in assisting students to understand the risks of fire and what we can do to both prepare and prevent fire. The lesson directly addresses the positive and negative impact water can have on the environment. The lesson could be extended through the inclusion of additional tasks that consider the positive and negative impact that water has on humans internally and the effects on the human body.

The lesson educates students on what they should do in the event of a fire and what they need to do to protect themselves. The learning could be enriched by having students develop their own safety video making it more memorable for them if they were to experience this unlikely event.  The students could also design their own fire prevention kit where they include items that would assist if a fire were to occur. This could be included in the video.

This activity would give students an in-depth understanding and broader knowledge of the curriculum. Overall, the lesson adheres to the standards of natural hazards, risks and benefits.  Making the learning experience more hands on would ensure the content is remembered beyond the classroom.


Design and build lego cars

 Resource: Design and build lego cars

Year level: Year 1-2

Subject: Design and Technology

Strand: Design and Technologies Process and Production Skills

Substrand: Investigate (2.5), Generation (2.6), Producing (2.7), Evaluating (2.8) and Collaborating and managing (2.9)

Cross Curriculum Priorities and General Capabilities 

Literacy (LIT)

Numeracy (NUM)

Critical and Creative Thinking (CCT)

Link to other learning areas: Maths and Science

In the Lego car lesson the students are required to design and create a car that would be used for a specific purpose, e.g. for speed, for rocky mountains etc. The students engage in a learning experience that is hands on and both intrinsically and extrinsically motivating. Giving the students the freedom to choose what they want in their car design will allow them to critically analyse what it is they need in order to produce an effective product. To provide the student with the opportunity to extend on their problem solving, creativity, innovation and understanding will ensure that they are achieving the requirements of the curriculum. Students are given the chance to evaluate and identify problems so that they can make adjustments and alterations to improve their design. Allowing the students time to critique their product will expand their thinking and understanding of how technology is always improving.

This lesson is authentic and credible to educating students on the importance on technology in today’s society.