My Design and Technology lesson for Year 5

Hi there!

I taught my Year 5 class how to make a tote bag during my ATP for a sequence of planned lessons which suited the Year 5 Design and Technology curriculum as outline below.

Food and fibre production

People in design and technologies occupations aim to increase efficiency of production systems, or consumer satisfaction of food and natural fibre products (ACTDEK021)


Develop and communicate alternative solutions, and follow design ideas, using annotated diagrams, storyboards and appropriate technical terms

How did it go?

What fun we had!  The class got so involved in this, especially the boys who outnumbered the girls by 2 to 1 in this class!  From discussing appropriate fabrics, and how something like a shirt or a pair of jeans could be recycled, to documenting the process they were engaged from the start.  Although we did have fabrics available, many of the students bought in their own fun fabrics by getting their parents involved in the process.  A number of parent helpers came in to help me with a lot of the cutting out of the 28 tote bags since we found the cutting out process time consuming.  Students were so quiet and focused during those sewing sessions although threading needles was a challenge!  Don’t be afraid of sessions like this, I had a number of lively active boys in the class and it was great to see them get engaged and creative with the whole process!

Become your own Virtual DJ


Subject: Digital Technology

Year level: 5/6

Strand: Knowledge & Understanding and Processes & Production Skills

Sub-strand: Collecting, Managing & Analysing Data and Digital Systems

Possible Curriculum Links:

Collect, sort, interpret and visually present different types of data using software to manipulate data for a range of purposes (ACTDIP016)

Collect, store and present different types of data for a specific purpose using software (ACTDIP016)

Link to the Resource:

Cross curriculum priorities and general capabilities:

Critical and creative thinking

Personal and social capability

Information and Communication Technology (ICT)

Cross-curriculum links:

The Arts: Music


What is it:

Virtual DJ is a computer program that allows students to create their own music mixes or mix together already existing songs to create a new track. It allows students to experiment with speed, tempo, loops and crossfading. This program also enables the students to mix videos to go in addition with their music track including fading and transitions.

How to use it in the Classroom:

One example of how this program can be used in the classroom is to teach students about different way to represent data through sound. students would use the program to create an end product by mixing together existing sounds. this teaches students that sound is a type of data and that they are able to manipulate it. This shows their understanding that sound is made up of data.


Mamas codes – Explore. Create. Code

MAMA CODES- Explore. Create. Code

Subject: Digital Technologies

Year level- F- 2 (Ages 3-7)

Strand: Processes and Production Skills-  Follow, describe, represent a sequence of steps needed to solve simple problems (ACTDIP004)

Strand: Knowledge and Understanding- Recognise and explore digital systems (ACTDIK001).

Mama codes is a fantastic free online resource for the early childhood learning setting!! The site provides an opportunity for the students to dive into coding that is fun, enjoyable and educational. Through songs, rhymes, stories and history, the students are presented with a digital technology website which can be accessed through a computer, laptop or iPad. Bursting with patterns, computer codes, sequencing and mapping, this resource makes learning fun!

Link to resource:

Links to other learning areas: History, Geography, Literacy, Science,


How to use this free resource:

Log onto 

Click the button dive in!. This will then take the participants to the websites gallery.

Here the teacher or students decide which of the following area to commence coding:

  • Songs
  • Jokes
  • Nature
  • Poems
  • Rhymes
  • Stories
  • Histories
  • Travel



This caters for range of interests and preferences. The website contains plenty of animations, videos and information for the students to grasp the introductory concept of coding.

Natasa Jovanovic

Computational Thinking with Monsters

Computational Thinking Resource – Emma Hoad

Overview of the resource:

This free resource for teachers is great to refer to and use when introducing students to the concept of Computational thinking. The resource provides a detailed overview and plan of a lesson, whichh is aimed at students in Year 5 and above. The resource provides background knowledge and understanding for teachers, such as key vocabulary and definitions and how to explain introduce computational thinking, such as  why we use this to solve problems and the four steps of computational thinking, which include:

  • Decomposition
  • Pattern location
  • Abstraction
  • Algorithms

Monsters Computational Thinking Activity: 

Link to access resource –

In the lesson, students are first introduced to the four steps of computational thinking. They then work together in groups and have to create their own directions for other students to draw a particular monster (from a range of ones provided in the resource found in pages 7-9).

To introduce the activity, students can view an ABC Splash video, outlining what they will be working towards in the lesson and each stage of the activity.

Link to video-!/media/1618109/hour-of-code-computational-thinking

Also located at

Each stage of the learning task is broken down as follows:

  • First teams are to analyse the monsters on pages 7-9.
  • They abstract details from various monsters to find comparisons.
  • They use this abstracted detail to form algorithms  (a set of directions) for another to follow, in order to re-create the described monster.
  • They are to then give these algorithms to another team and after each team has read the directions and drawn their monster following these, they then swap and analyse the drawings to determine how effective their algorithms were to ensure the same monster was re-created.

(See resource for further detailed instructions/steps to teach the lesson)

Alignment with the curriculum:

Digital Technologies

Processes and Production Skills:

Digital Implementation

  • Design, follow and represent diagrammatically, a simple sequence of steps (algorithm), involving branching (decisions) and iteration (repetition) (ACTDIP019) (SCSA, 2014).

Creating solutions by: 

Investigating and defining:

  • Define a problem, and set of sequenced steps, with users making a decision to create a solution for a given task (SCSA).


  • Develop and communicate alternative solutions and follow design ideas, using annotated diagrams, storyboards and appropriate technical terms (SCSA).

Collaborating and managing:

  • Work independently, or collaboratively when required, to plan, develop and communicate ideas and information for solutions (SCSA).

General Capabilities:

Information and Communication Technology (ICT), as “In Digital Technologies, students develop an understanding of the characteristics of data, digital systems, audiences, procedures and computational thinking…[and]…Students learn to formulate problems, logically organise and analyse data and represent them in abstract forms. They automate solutions through algorithmic logic” (SCSA, 2016).

Literacy,  as students “…learn how to communicate ideas, concepts and detailed proposals to a variety of audiences; read and interpret detailed written instructions for specific technologies, often including diagrams and procedural writings…[and]…the importance of listening, talking and discussing in technologies processes, especially in articulating, questioning and evaluating ideas” (SCSA, 2014).


ABC,. (2017). Splash ABC. Retrieved from!/media/1618109/hour-of-code-computational-    thinking

CS Fundamentals Unplugged Lessons. (2017). Retrieved 11 January 2017, from

Ludos-Program with your hands

Ludos-Program with your hands

By Suviensa Parvini


“Program with your hands”




Ludos is designed to teach students how video games are programmed through a hands-on holistic approach.

Ludos uses a board that connects to a computer or tablet. Students need to try and solve certain puzzles in accordance to their character. What makes this resource great is that students use and place actual tiles onto their board instead of pushing buttons. This makes the experience realistic and hands-on!

Example: If the student wants the character to jump over a given obstacle, they will need to place the “jump” piece into the next available slot. If they want their character to run faster, they place the “fast” piece on the board. To extend learning and promote higher order thinking skills, students can place a combination of codes to instruct their characters movement through the game.

Check out this short video giving an overview of Ludos.



Year Level: 3-5

Subject: Technologies – Digital Technologies

Strand: Processes and Production Skills

Sub-strand: Digital Implementation

Content Description: Use simple visual programming environments that include a sequence of steps (algorithm) involving decisions made by the user (branching) (ACTDIP011)

Link to Other Learning Areas: English and Mathematics


Resource and images from:

Botlogic in the Classroom


Computers are amazing inventions! They allow us to complete multiple tasks through out our daily lives. However, computers do not magically know how to complete tasks, they need to be told  what to do and how to complete the task. This is what we call programming and Botlogic is a great way to introduce children to this concept. Children are able to understand that they have control of the computer and need to tell it what to do.
Botlogic is a great resource to get students thinking about decision making. Students are learning about programming as they work through a repetition of movements in order to move their robot to the required destination. Botlogic is perfect for children at all different levels, as it allows children to work at their own pace and move through twenty different stages.

Below i have provided a video that gives viewers a quick and simple walk through of Botlogic.

Digital Technologies

Year Level: F-2

Strand: Digital Technologies Processes and Production Skills

Sub-strand: Digital implementation

Use data to solve a simple task/problem (ACTDIP003)

Cross curriculum priorities and general capabilities:
Information and Communication Technology (ICT)
Critical and creative thinking

Links to other learning areas:


Link to resource:


A classroom activity using this resource:

Incorporating this resource into the classroom helps students develop their logical thinking, problem-solving skills and gives them a chance to explore their creativity as they trail different methods to solve simple tasks/problems. Students are able to work independently on this task as its provides you with an in depth tutorial on how to conduct the game. This resource would be great to use as an extension activity for when students complete their math or science tasks in class. Students need to use their mathematical skills to think about how many steps they need to use in advance and which way they need to turn (left or right). Students are also able to use their English skills by reading and following instructions.

How to use this resource:
The first thing you will need to do is press ‘Start game’ or if you have not played this game before then if you wish, you may click to view the tutorial. You also have the option to choose a level to start on if you have already complete some previously.

Once you have started the game, you will see command keys (arrows) to you left of the screen. These keys (arrows) are what you use to navigate your robot to the required destination. The game gives you a certain amount of moves, which you cannot exceed. However, the aim of the game is to complete the task using the least amount of commands.


Using Plastimake in the Classroom


Design and Technology


Year Level

3/4 and 5/6



Design and Technologies Processes and Production Skills


Sub strand

Processing and Implementing

Select, and apply safe, procedures when using a variety of components and equipment to make solutions


Link to Resource


Cross Curriculum Priorities and General Capabilities

Numeracy, Information and Communication Technology (ICT) capacity, Critical and Creative Thinking, Personal and Social Capacity and Sustainability


Links to other Learning Areas

Science, The Arts


A classroom activity using this resource

Plastimake is a great resource to have and use in a classroom. An example of the many activities you can do with the Plastimake is linking it to the Science Curriculum when teaching Biological Science. In Year 4, students will be learning about features and adaptations an animal has to help them survive in their environment (ACSSU043). Getting the students to actively create the features and adaptions of different animals is a great way to introduce the topic and spark student interest. For example when students are creating a bird, pose the question what features do birds have? Why are those features important for their survival? Students will be following the procedure of how to use the Plastimake safely as well as creating something they have thought actively about. This hands on lesson is a great way for students of all levels to participate in as well as using the Technologies (Design and Technologies) Curriculum and the Science Curriculum together.


How to use this resource

In order to use this resource in the classroom, you will simply need to order the Plastimake from the website (linked above) and have a bowl of hot and cold water. Plastimake is non-toxic, very strong and biodegradable so is safe for students to use right at their desks, no newspaper required! The only danger in in using Plastimake in the classroom is making sure students do not put their hands in the hot water and they wait for their Plastimake creation to cool before touching it (only takes a few seconds to cool).

When you get the Plastimake you will notice they start off as small white pellets. These small pellets, when put in the warm water, will become transparent. Once the pellets have stuck together, use a fork or other implement to take the Plastimake out of the water and let it cool for a few seconds. Once cool, students can then mould and create the Plastimake into the shape they want. Once students are happy with their creation, it gets placed into the cold water until it hardens. Once it hardens, students can paint their creation and have a well presented final product.

The great thing about Plastimake is how lightweight but highly durable it is. Another great thing about Plastimake is if you are unhappy with the creation, simply place it back into the warm water to reuse and then remould. Plastimake is quick and easy to use, reusable, strong, non-toxic, versatile and clean and is a great resource to use when teaching Design and Technologies.



Paddock to Plate: Get your hands on my food.

Subject: Design and Technologies

Year Level:3-4

Strand:Design and Technologies – Knowledge and understanding

Sub strand:Food and fibre production

Yesr 3 – Types of food and fibre produced in different environments, cultures or time periods, including the equipment used to produce or prepare them

Year 4 – Types of technologies used in food and fibre production or processing, including how they are used to help meet consumer needs

Link to the resource

Cross curriculum priorities and general capabilities

Critical and creative thinking (CCT),Personal and social capability (PSC),Information and Communication Technology (ICT),Literacy (LIT), Sustainability

  • Literacy
  • Numeracy
  • Critical and creative thinking
  • Personal and social capability
  • Ethical understanding
  • Intercultural understanding.

Links to other learning areas


Science – Science understandings – Chemical Science – A change of state between solid and liquid can be caused by adding or removing heat (ACSSU046)

Science – Science as a Human Endeavour – Nature and development of science – Science involves making predictions and describing patterns and relationships (ACSHE050)

A classroom activity using this resource

This is a well structured resource that allows the teacher to teach a lesson exploring the process of food from the paddock to the plate. It involved the students working through learning stations where they explore the ways in which food changes from the raw state to make it suitable for consumption. The stations offer different processes such as chemical changes in food or the processing of a food item. The stations are inquiry based and hands on allowing for addressing student misconceptions and creating thought and discussion to promote ideas.

How to use this resource

This useful learning resource includes the lesson plan, power-point and all the printable classroom support resources to match. It is very easy to follow and provides opportunities for extension activities and further research. It is clearly laid out with suggested assessment and student reflection sheets for reporting the groups findings back to the class. This lesson links well with the Science curriculum when investigating states of matter and the changes that occur.


Think & Learn Code-a-pillar

Resource: “Think & Learn Code-a-pillar” 

Subject: Digital Technologies

Year Level:F-2

Strand:Digital Technologies processes and production skills

Sub strand:Using digital systems

2.5 Follow, describe, represent and play with a sequence of steps and decisions needed to solve simple problems..

Link to the resource: 


Cross curriculum priority and General Capabilities:

Literacy (LIT), Numeracy (NUM), Critical and creative thinking (CCT) and Information and Communication Technology (ICT) capability

Links to other learning areas:

English, mathematics and science

Content Descriptors: Follow, describe and represent a sequence of steps and decisions (algorithms) needed to solve simple problems

Content Elaboration: experimenting with very simple, step-by-step procedures to explore programmable devices. For example providing instructions to physical, virtual objects or robotic devices to move in an intended manner such as following a path around the classroom

About this resource: The Code-a-pillar App hones in on the players ability to problem solve through a fun and engaging introduction to coding and sequencing. By the clever use of a familiar character and with splashes of vibrant colour, the player is easily immersed in the fundamental lessons that the App offers. Available for free download on a number of devices including iPhone, android, iPad and Kindle Fire, this App allows the player to command the code-a-pillar through a maze-like playing field. Reaching the target is the key, done so by manoeuvring the code-a-pillar via various tap and drag commands. These commands are to be carefully thought through, as if a mistake is made the player will need to locate it, and remedy it. A typical level construction will see each maze increase in difficulty, challenging the players ability to adapt and develop different strategies.

Snapshots from the “Think & Learn Code-a-pillar” App.


Accompanying the Code-a-pillar App is a Code-a-pillar robot. It is a colourful, bright and engaging motorised caterpillar that comes with 8 additional tail pieces and a red target disk. Each tail piece can be added to the caterpillar to make it perform different actions, including turn left or right, straight and pause. Extra tail pieces can be purchased to make the code-a-pillar travel further. The same style of logic is required by the user, who needs to achieve the target by implementing the correct sequence of commands in the form of the various behaving pieces.

Resource used in the classroom:

Using the Code-a-pillar app and robot in the classroom will enable students to develop an understanding of the foundational skills of coding, problem solving, and sequencing.

  • Large clear placemats with multiple squares can be used to develop students coding. A picture can be placed under one of the squares. Starting at the bottom of the placemat, students will attempt to correctly code the caterpillar so it reaches the picture.
  • During mathematics students can make predictions of how far the caterpillar will move for every time they make it travel make it go forward.
  • Students can write about the code-a-pillar in literacy.

By Felice Crisp


Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority (2016). Taken from website:



Do your students love to build?

TinkerCad is a fun, innovative and engaging way to allow your students imaginations to come to life. It was first founded in 2011, bringing the first browser-based 3D design platform to the world.

TinkerCad allows your students to create their ideas into 3D images which in the upper years they can then print them off if they have access to a 3D printer. If not, they can save their creations and create a design portfolio for all the objects they have made. This is an exciting way to get all students involved and they are only limited by their imaginations.

Subject: Technologies

Year Level: 3 – 6

Strand: Design Technologies

Sub Strands:

Knowledge and Understanding

Processes and Production Skills

Curriculum Links (specific to TinkerCad)

Develop and communicate ideas using labelled drawings and appropriate technical terms

Use criteria to evaluate and justify simple design processes and solutions

Suitability and safe practice when using materials, tools and equipment for a range of purposes (ACTDEK013)

Use criteria to evaluate and justify simple design processes and solutions

Develop and communicate design ideas and decisions using annotated drawings and appropriate technical terms

Cross Curriculum Priorities:


General Capabilities:



Information and Communication Technology Capability

Critical and Creative Thinking

Personal and Social Capability

Further Links:

Youtube introduction:






By Jarrod Kuah