Green Screen by Do Ink: Moving through time and space!

Application: Green Screen by Do Ink

Year: Foundation – Year 6

Strand: Digital technologies processes and production skills

Sub strands: Collaborating and managing

  • 2.6 Work with others to create and organise ideas and information using information systems, and share these in safe online environments
  • 4.7 Work with others to plan the creation and communication of ideas and information safely, applying agreed ethical and social protocols
  • 6.9 Manage the creation and communication of ideas and information including online collaborative projects, applying agreed ethical, social and technical protocols


Cross curricula priorities
 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders histories and culture

General capabilities
Information and communication technology
Critical and creative thinking
Intercultural understanding

Links to other learning areas:
English, Science, History, Geography, and the Arts

Use in the classroom
This application can be used across a number of learning areas to demonstrate students understanding of a topic. It is a fun and engaging way for students to present their information gathered throughout a unit of work. Examples of lesson including this application are outlined below:

 English: complete a book report and present the review using the application and multiple backgrounds such as a library setting.

Science: present their understanding of the solar system whilst “being” in space.

History:  conduct an interview with a historical figure with the relevant background.

Geography: create a weather report to present the data collect as part of a unit of work.

The Arts:  record a drama performance and place backgrounds in accordance with the story.

How to use the application

  1. Students record their information through a video with the green screen app.
  2. Once they are happy with their information they can add video or images behind them to show the theme.
  3. This video, once complete can be shared through blogs or amongst school networks for further education purposes.

By Leah McMerrin

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3 thoughts on “Green Screen by Do Ink: Moving through time and space!

  1. I like this idea! The possibilities in the classroom are endless and I think it would engage students in topics that may sometimes be thought of as ‘boring’.

  2. This is a fun and exciting way for students to present their work on a topic. It is a great alternative to power point slide presentations and posters. As a pre-service teacher I really want to engage students and introduce them to new digital technologies and ways of presenting their work. I will be adding this to my repertoire of resources for the future.

  3. WOW! Who knew there was an app for green screens! I feel like this will come in very handy when creating short films or presentations for students so it isnt always the boring “speech”. They can pre record and then show it to the class. Very engaging, I would like the learn more about this.

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