Design a Dog.

Subject: Design and Technology

Level: Year 1, 2, 3, 5 and 6

Strand: Process and Production Skills

Sub-strand: Possible sub strands are highlighted, it will depend what year the teacher is teaching and what they do with the program.

(Click on the picture to enlarge)

Scope and Sequence_Highlighted

Link to the Resource:

Design a Dog

Cross curriculum priorities and general capabilities:

Depending on how much depth the teacher decides to use this program for the following cross curriculum priorities and general capabilities can be integrated:

CCP: Sustainability

GC: Literacy, Numeracy, Critical and creative thinking, Personal and social capability and Ethical understanding

Links to other learning areas: English, Maths, Science, Society and Environment, Citizenship, History, The Arts,

A classroom activity using this resource:

Year 1 – Making moving dog’s tales

Year 2 – Making dog puppets for a purpose

Year 3 – Making toy dogs move with pneumatics

Year 5 – Making toy dogs move with cams

Year 6 – Making toy dogs move with motors

How to use the resource:
This resource is a United Kingdom resource. It has be located from Pintrest. The resource has a very broad selection of different activities for using design and technology in the classroom. When looking at the document you will find it includes ideas for 5 different year groups and has detailed plans for each year that range from 1 to 8 lessons idea building on each time. Design a dog can be used for a whole unit of work or even just one lesson. The program includes all worksheets and material needed to complete the lessons (Print outs only). Below you will find some ways that design a dog can be integrate with in the curriculum.

Maths: Measurement
Procedure, evaluation and planning writing
The Arts:
Shape and design
Living things, Basic needs

 Each year level and class needs will be different, but the program could even integrate the RSPCA.

My little dog
Photo Credit: -=RoBeE=- via Compfight