Spelling City

Title: Spelling City

Subject: Digital Technologies

Year level: Foundation – Year 12

Strand: Digital technologies processes and production skills

Sub strand: Using digital systems

2.4 explore and use digital systems for personal and classroom needs

Link to resource: https://www.spellingcity.com

Cross curriculum priorities and general capabilities: Literacy, Information and communication technology (ICT) capability, Critical and creative thinking

Links to other learning areas: English (literacy), Mathematics (numeracy), Science and Humanities and Social Sciences

A classroom activity using this resource:

This resource can be used to develop the students’ vocabulary, phonics, spelling and writing skills. Spelling City can be accessed on a computer or iPad, which allows for different options in the classroom. This resource can be used during the literacy session when students are in small groups or if all the students have access to a computer or iPad, it can be used by all students at the same time.

 How to use this resource:

The program has been developed to build students vocabulary in a range of different learning areas. Schools can register for free to use the site or they can upgrade to a premium membership, which allows the use of more features. Teachers can set a word list for each individual student in the class or students can be grouped with a set of words. Students can access these words at school or at home with a log in. The class teacher can set tasks for the students to complete at home. The program offers differentiated instruction along with games and activities so that the students can learn their words in a fun and interesting manner. The students then sit an online spelling test and the results are sent to the teacher to assess their learning.
