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Year: Middle to upper primary

What is it? Kahoot! is an online quiz game, in which students can either play individually or as teams from multiple devices. The teacher creates an account and can create customised quizzes relating to the content the class has been learning. The teacher projects the quiz onto the interactive whiteboard. This allows students to view the questions, as questions are only view-able from the teacher account. Each game has a unique pin-code, and the students log into the game using the pin-code. The quizzes are a multi-choice platform, where students answer questions via selecting the correct answer (represented by both colours and symbols) from their device. Students score points for accuracy of their answer and for the fastness in which they answer. It is a great resource to use to test students’ knowledge as a summative task while incorporating ICT. Images and videos can also be added to the questions.  At the end of each answer, students are provided with a graph of results, showing how many people chose what answer. These results remain completely anonymous to the students.

Image result for kahoot

Image result for kahootTeacher Link: https://getkahoot.com/

Student Link: https://kahoot.it/#/ 

Application in classrooms via the use of the curriculum: I believe that this app would be most effective for students in middle to upper primary, but could possibly be modified for use in year 2. We will be looking at year 3-4.

Subject: Technologies

Strand: Digital Technologies

Sub-Strand: Digital Technologies Processes and Production Skills

Content Descriptor: Plan, create and communicate ideas and information independently and with others, applying agreed ethical and social protocols (ACTDIP013)

This content descriptor was chosen because aspects of the website can relate to this. Students canhelp plan and create quizzes with teacher help and test their peers.

Khan Academy

Resource: Khan Academy

Description: Khan Academy is free online resource that helps the user develop their mathematic content knowledge. The content ranges from basic early math, such as counting, all the way up to calculus and beyond. Teachers can set up classrooms to monitor how their students are going as the site highlights areas of strength and weaknesses within its users. Not only is this targeted at children, teachers can also use this resource to develop their own content knowledge. Khan Academy has now also branched out beyond maths with its learning content as it now also offers learning areas in Science, Arts, Computing to name a few.

Subject: Technologies
Strand: Digital Technologies
Sub-Strand: Digital Technologies Knowledge and Understanding
Identify, use and explore digital systems (hardware and software components) for a purpose (ACTDIK001)
Year Levels: F-10
Link to Resource: https://www.khanacademy.org/
General Capabilities: Literacy, Numeracy, Information and Communication Technology Capabilities (ICT), Critical and Creating thinking.
Links to other Learning Areas: Mathematics, Science, Humanities and Social Sciences, The Arts.
Review: I believe this website is a great technology resource for mathematical learning. I have already implemented this in my classrooms and have found the feedback that it provides very helpful for planning future lesson content. It has been well received by the students so far and they seem to enjoy the points reward system. This website is American based so on occasion there can be grammatical discrepancies between Australian and US English. Also as the content is US based so it does not align identically with the Australian Curriculum. However, as mathematics is universal this is not a problem.



Students can use a scratchpad to help them with their working out.


Khan Academy offers supporting videos and gives hints to assist student learning.


The videos play directly on the site and students are able to pause, rewind, skip or re-watch the video to their needs.


Clicking on hints provides support to the student without giving the answers directly.


Australiancurriculum.edu.au,. (2015). Home – The Australian Curriculum v7.5. Retrieved 10 August 2015, from http://www.australiancurriculum.edu.au/
Khan Academy,. (2015). Khan Academy. Retrieved 10 August 2015, from https://www.khanacademy.org


YouTube,. (2015). Salman Khan talk at TED 2011 (from ted.com). Retrieved 10 August 2015, from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gM95HHI4gLk