
Subject: Design Technologies


Strand – Processes and Production Skills
Sub strand – Designing
Develop, communicate and discuss design ideas through describing, drawing, modelling and/or a sequence of steps.
General Capabilities:

  • Literacy
  • ICT
  • Creative and critical thinking

Links to all other learning areas
Popplet is a visual tool that allows students to show ideas. It is an engaging tool used for mind mapping, graphic organisers, timelines and other forms of visual organisation. Popplet focuses on brainstorming and can also be used as a presentation tool.

How to use this resource

  • Register with Popplet
  • Begin by developing a project by creating a popple.
  • Add text by clicking on each popple.
  • Videos and images can be imported from Facebook or YouTube, or any file saved on the computer.
  • The drawing tool is used to write notes or sketch.
  • Other users can leave feedback using the comment function.


Subject: Can be used across all areas of the curriculum

Year Level: 3-6

Strand: All

Sub-Strand: All

Link to Resource: Search iBrainstorm in the App Store (free)

Cross curriculum priorities and general capabilities: Literacy, Numeracy, Information and communication technology, Critical and creative thinking, personal and social capability

Links to other learning areas: Could be used across all learning areas.

How to use this resource: The name ‘iBrainstorm’ essentially explains what it does. The app allows the user to use a virtual board to place sticky notes on to brainstorm ideas or plan a project. The app is incredibly simple to use, after opening it, press the ‘+’ symbol and it will add a sticky note. Double tap on the sticky note and add your information. The app allows you to change the colour of the sticky note if you wanted to group specific ideas. The app also has changeable backgrounds. The picture below is an example of one I have created:


One of the biggest advantages of this app is that it can connect with other users, so students can add their own sticky notes to the group brainstorm without having to wait their turn to use the device.

A classroom activity using this resource:

There are a variety of ways that this app could be used, but an example could be where the students are required to plan a project, and as a group they decide to brainstorm and order their different ideas. They also use the app to plan out the process they are going to take and list any required materials.