Prototype Creation of an adjustable footrest.

Prototype Creation of an adjustable footrest.

My class (Year 6’s) have noticed that some of the junior students feet don’t touch the ground when they are sitting at the computer desks. This is not only bad for their posture, it can also cause damage to the computers when they swing their feet.


The first 6 weeks of D&T this term has been planned to accommodate the planning, testing and creating of a suitable, adjustable footrest to be used in the computer labs. A link to my visual lesson plan for lesson 3 is HERE.


Sustainable Agriculture in Asia

Subject: Technologies

Year Level: 5 and 6

Strand: Design and Technologies

Substrand:  Knowledge and Understanding

Investigate how and why food and fibre are produced in managed environments (ACTDEK021).

  • considering how low-input sustainable agriculture (LISA) is used in a range of environments including Australia and the countries of Asia.


Cross Curriculum Priorities:   Sustainability and Asia and Australia’s Engagement with Asia.

General Capabilities:  Information and Communication Technology and Literacy

Other learning areas:  Science: Science as a human endeavour : Use and influence of science – yr 5

  • Scientific understandings, discoveries and inventions are used to solve problems that directly affect peoples’ lives (ACSHE083)
  • Scientific knowledge is used to inform personal and community decisions (ACSHE217)


How to use this website in the classroom:

This website is FANTASTIC!

It is aligned to the Australian Curriculum: it lists subjects, year levels,  the content area’s, cross curricular priorities and general capabilities that apply to each web page.

This page highlights age appropriate videos and the lesson ideas that relate to the curriculum, getting the students to ENGAGE, EXPLORE and REFLECT on their learning.


Solar Cookers

Subject: Technologies

Year Level: 5 and 6

Strand: Design and Technologies

Substrand:  Knowledge and Understanding

  • Investigate characteristics and properties of a range of materials, systems, components, tools and equipment and evaluate the impact of their use (ACTDEK023)

                          Processes and Production

  • Negotiate criteria for success that include consideration of sustainability to evaluate design ideas, processes and solutions (ACTDEP027)


Cross Curriculum Priorities:   Sustainability

 General Capabilities: Critical and Creative Thinking, Information and Communication Technology and Literacy

Other learning areas:

Science: Science as a human endeavour : Use and influence of science – yr 5

  • Scientific understandings, discoveries and inventions are used to solve problems that directly affect peoples’ lives (ACSHE083)
  • Exploring objects and devices that include parts that involve the reflection, absorption or refraction of light such as mirrors, sunglasses and prisms.

How to use this idea in the classroom:

ICT: use digital technologies to research different models of solar ovens and to record images as solar ovens are being made. Create a final powerpoint showing the design process and effectiveness of the oven – culminating in a parent evening where (hopefully) students can cook for their parents using their ovens.

LITERACY: Create a pamphlet describing how solar ovens are useful,  compare the environmental benefits of using solar rather than electric ovens, how to build the solar oven, materials used and any downfalls to the use of solar ovens.

SCIENCE: Discover how to manipulate the sun’s rays to create sufficient heat to cook a savoury snack.

MATHEMATICS: Measurement and angles.

D & T: Research various forms of solar ovens, create a solar oven using recycled materials and evaluate its effectiveness when used for cooking. Discuss if this is a valid form of cooking and is it possible to mass produce this product? What design changes would you implement if you needed to cook for a family of 5?