Design an App!

Subject: Digital Technologies

Year Level: 5-6

Strand: Digital Technologies processes and production skills

Sub-strand: Designing digital systems

6.5 Design a user interface for a digital system, generating and considering alternating designs

6.6 Design, modify and follow simple algorithms represented diagrammatically and in English involving

sequences of steps, branching, and iteration (repetition)

6.9 Manage the creation and communication of ideas and information including online collaborative

projects, applying agreed ethical, social and technical protocols (Collaborating and managing)

Link to the resource:

General capabilities: Literacy, Information and communication technology capability, Critical and creating thinking, Personal and social capability

Links to other learning areas:  English (ACELY1700), (ACELY1704)

A classroom activity using this resource
As students are increasingly immersed in new technology such as iPads and iPods, this is a great activity for students to be able to apply their knowledge and creativity to design their own app. Teachers can modify the activity so students can either have freedom of topic or it can be specific to a learning area (eg. maths or science).  The activity should include opportunity for discussion and collaboration. It is a brilliant activity to link Technologies and English.

How to use this resource  (individually or in pairs)

Discuss with students apps that they use or know, how they work and what is their purpose. Let them explore apps that are on the class computers or I-pads. Students are to think creatively about an app they would like to make. They will need to consider: title, App icon, brief description of what the app will be about, cost and designers name.

Planning – continue to build on their app design by considering what will be in the app, what does the app allow the user to do, and how will the levels/features be illustrated. Provide scaffolding when necessary.

Meeting the boss at Apple (linking with English) – Students are to prepare a convincing speech to pitch their app to the Apple boss. Things to consider are:

Why should apple and consumers buy your app?

Who would use the app?

What benefit does the app have for people/society?                                                                                             Create an App - App Icon Examples

How much does the app cost and why?

Presentation – students to present their app to the class.


Design an app! A digital technologies project. (2014). Retrieved from




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