Paddock to Plate: Get your hands on my food.

Subject: Design and Technologies

Year Level:3-4

Strand:Design and Technologies – Knowledge and understanding

Sub strand:Food and fibre production

Yesr 3 – Types of food and fibre produced in different environments, cultures or time periods, including the equipment used to produce or prepare them

Year 4 – Types of technologies used in food and fibre production or processing, including how they are used to help meet consumer needs

Link to the resource

Cross curriculum priorities and general capabilities

Critical and creative thinking (CCT),Personal and social capability (PSC),Information and Communication Technology (ICT),Literacy (LIT), Sustainability

  • Literacy
  • Numeracy
  • Critical and creative thinking
  • Personal and social capability
  • Ethical understanding
  • Intercultural understanding.

Links to other learning areas


Science – Science understandings – Chemical Science – A change of state between solid and liquid can be caused by adding or removing heat (ACSSU046)

Science – Science as a Human Endeavour – Nature and development of science – Science involves making predictions and describing patterns and relationships (ACSHE050)

A classroom activity using this resource

This is a well structured resource that allows the teacher to teach a lesson exploring the process of food from the paddock to the plate. It involved the students working through learning stations where they explore the ways in which food changes from the raw state to make it suitable for consumption. The stations offer different processes such as chemical changes in food or the processing of a food item. The stations are inquiry based and hands on allowing for addressing student misconceptions and creating thought and discussion to promote ideas.

How to use this resource

This useful learning resource includes the lesson plan, power-point and all the printable classroom support resources to match. It is very easy to follow and provides opportunities for extension activities and further research. It is clearly laid out with suggested assessment and student reflection sheets for reporting the groups findings back to the class. This lesson links well with the Science curriculum when investigating states of matter and the changes that occur.


Let the Poo Thru: South Australian Water Corporation.

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Subject: Geography, Science, Digital Technologies

Year level: Year 4 and Year 7

Strand: Digital Technologies Processes and Production Skills

Geography / 4 / Geographical Knowledge and Understanding

Science / 7 / Science Understanding / Chemical sciences

Link to resource:

Cross curriculum priorities and general capabilities: Literacy, Critical thinking

A classroom activity using this resource:
This application for iPads can be used as an introduction sustainable waste management for students. It can give them a visual representation as to what effective waste management is and how it can be an effective form of environmental consciousness. Due to the graphics that are used in the application, this will appeal and engage children, especially young male students. This can only be used if the school has iPads available for their students.

How to start using this resource:
This application needs to be downloaded by the ICT coordinator at the school. As this application is used by upper grades, they will be able to easily navigate around the application independently.