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Year: Middle to upper primary

What is it? Kahoot! is an online quiz game, in which students can either play individually or as teams from multiple devices. The teacher creates an account and can create customised quizzes relating to the content the class has been learning. The teacher projects the quiz onto the interactive whiteboard. This allows students to view the questions, as questions are only view-able from the teacher account. Each game has a unique pin-code, and the students log into the game using the pin-code. The quizzes are a multi-choice platform, where students answer questions via selecting the correct answer (represented by both colours and symbols) from their device. Students score points for accuracy of their answer and for the fastness in which they answer. It is a great resource to use to test students’ knowledge as a summative task while incorporating ICT. Images and videos can also be added to the questions.  At the end of each answer, students are provided with a graph of results, showing how many people chose what answer. These results remain completely anonymous to the students.

Image result for kahoot

Image result for kahootTeacher Link: https://getkahoot.com/

Student Link: https://kahoot.it/#/ 

Application in classrooms via the use of the curriculum: I believe that this app would be most effective for students in middle to upper primary, but could possibly be modified for use in year 2. We will be looking at year 3-4.

Subject: Technologies

Strand: Digital Technologies

Sub-Strand: Digital Technologies Processes and Production Skills

Content Descriptor: Plan, create and communicate ideas and information independently and with others, applying agreed ethical and social protocols (ACTDIP013)

This content descriptor was chosen because aspects of the website can relate to this. Students canhelp plan and create quizzes with teacher help and test their peers.



Subject: Digital Technologies

Year level: 3/4

Strand: Digital Technologies Knowledge and Understanding

Sub Strand: Using Digital Systems- Explore and use a range of digital systems with peripheral devices or different purposes, and transmit different types of data (ACTDIK007)

Links to resources:



Cross Curriculum Priorities:


Links to other learning areas: English and Mathematics (although it could be used across most learning areas).

A classroom activity using this resource

This is a fun way to encourage our  students to use digital technologies in form of a quiz. This activity can be used for digital comprehension as well as learning new ideas about different cultures and specific learning required by the teacher. The best way to use Kahoot is to reaffirm learning from what you have set the students to learn. I would use this quiz after a lesson, to consolidate learning or for formative assessment.

How to use this resource:

  • Requires internet connection
  • Requires a log in
  • Requires electronic devices such as computers, iPads, Android Tablets and others.
  • Once the teacher has made the quiz, the Kahoot game generates a pin. This pin is a number for the students’ to access and write on their devices to enter the quiz game.
  • Just for some fun, there are random quizzes already made up which is exciting to see what the students know.
  • In order to answer a question, students simply select the shape with the required answer.
  • To create a quiz, tap on the button and add as many questions about the chosen content as required. Simply save the quiz and it is ready to go!

Digital Technology: Cyber Safety

Subject: Digital Technologies

Year Level: 3-4

Strand: Digital Technologies processes and production skills

Sub Strand: Creating & Interacting Online
4.7 Manage the creation, sharing and exchange of information with known audiences and apply agreed social protocols to protect people when communicating online.

Content Descriptor:
Work with others to plan the creation and communication of ideas and information safely, applying agreed ethical and social protocols (ACTDIP013)

Link to the resource: http://www.cybersmart.gov.au

Cross curriculum priorities and general capabilities

  • Literacy
  • Information and Communication technology capability
  • Critical and Creative Thinking
  • Personal and Social capability
  • Ethical understanding.

Links to other learning areas
English, Health, Humanities & Social Sciences (Civics & Citizenship)

Website Outline and suitability
This site provides engaging opportunities for students to use digital technologies to help learn about how to be safe and sensible online. It is easy to navigate and designed to be student friendly so is appropriate for classroom use. The site has been created by the Australian Government and is therefore from a reputable source.

Cyber Smart Quiz: This quiz asks students to answer 11 questions each of which are in the form of short scenarios that children may experience online. This helps students to know and understand what to do if they were in a similar situation in order to keep themselves safe. The answer/s to each question are explained and rephrased to reiterate the information.

This could be used as an assessment tool before a unit of work to determine students’ prior knowledge, or as a formative or summative assessment to determine whether students have learnt and understood the teaching content.

kids cyber safety quizhttp://www.cybersmart.gov.au/Kids.aspx

Comic Book Capers: This section of the website allows students to read and/or listen to a given scenario. They then need to select the correct option from each of the categories (website, helpers, security and advice) clicking and dragging it into the scenario to ensure that the person involved is kept safe online. Students who have difficulty reading are catered for as the scenario is read aloud. If a wrong answer is selected the students are given another opportunity to correct their mistake. This ensures they know where they went wrong. After submitting, the answers are then rephrased and clearly explain to the student why the scenario is now safe. Students will need headphones so that they can work through this at their own pace while not disturbing those around them.

comic capershttp://www.cybersmart.gov.au/Kids/Have%20Fun/comicbookcapers.aspx

The website also includes: information about cyber bullying, netiquette, digital footprint, mobiles, offensive content, online games, social networking, staying legal and unwanted contact. There is also a videos section which includes 10 episodes to the ‘Net Basics’ series and five episodes to the #GameOn series. The site informs students of where to go for help and provides information for parents, younger kids, teenagers and schools.

For more direct links:

How to use this resource

  • Students will need access to the internet either on a computer or tablet.
  • The website can be written on the board for students to either Google or type into the html bar.
  • This process could be modelled on the Interactive White board going through the logging on, finding the Internet, searching for a website process, step by step for the students to follow.

Cyber Smart Quiz:

  1. From the home page click on the ‘Kids’ tab.
  2. Click on the ‘Start the quiz’ green button.
  3. Read through the explanation of how the quiz works.
  4. Start the quiz by listening to ‘Sam’.
  5. Follow the prompts given by Sam answering each question.
  6. Correct your mistakes as you go.
  7. Continue until completed.

Comic Capers:

  1. On the home page click on the ‘Kids’ tab.
  2. Hover the mouse over the ‘Have Fun’ button and a list will drop down.
  3. Select ‘Comic Book Capers’.
  4. Watch the introduction to the activity.
  5. Listen and/or read the instructions.
  6. Begin working your way through the four scenarios by clicking and dragging a selection from each category.
  7. Correct any mistakes as the narrator prompts you.
  8. Continue until completed.

 This website has a clear educational focus, is reputable, and aligns with the Australian Curriculum: Technologies.



Subject – Digital Technologies

Year level – Years 5-6

Strand – Digital Technologies processes and production skills

Sub-Strand – Implement digital solutions as simple visual programs involving branching, iteration (repetition), and user input  (ACTDIP020)

Link to the resource – http://www.socrative.com/quizzes

Cross-Curricular Priorities and general capabilities – Literacy, Numeracy, critical and creative thinking

Links to other areas – Could be linked to all learning areas including english, science or SOSE

Overview of the resource – Socrative is a digital technologies resource which enables students to create their own multiple choice or short answer quiz. They are able to write multiple questions relating to their topic and create their own answers. It is an interactive app where students can complete each others quizzes and see their results upon completion. Once students have finished taking the quiz they are able to see how well they did on the quiz and the creator of the quiz can see an overall spreadsheet of peoples answers and scores.

It is a simple and engaging activity for students from varying year levels and can be implemented in most learning areas.

How to use the resource – The app is easy to use and can be used on a computer, iPad or iPhone. You will need to create a free account in order to join, however once you have done that you are free to create as many quizzes as you like. You are able to access previous quizzes and results in the manage quiz section.

To create a new quiz you begin with a title and choose whether you want multiple choice, short answer or both. The creator of the quiz will be given a room number and for other students to complete their quiz all they need to do is join using that room number.