


Design technologies

Year level:

Upper primary


Design and Technologies Processes and Production Skills



Content descriptor:

Generate, develop, and communicate design ideas and decisions using appropriate technical terms and graphical representation techniques(ACTDEP015 – Scootle )

What is it?

Popplet is a fun and engaging graphic organiser tool for students to organise and represent their ideas. Students create digital mind maps based on what they are learning in class and create relationships between these ideas. Students personalise their own graphic organiser by allowing them to insert images, texts and videos as well as selecting different colours, shape and positions of ideas. The mind-map can be saved, exported and shared on other types of digital platforms.

How do I access it?

Popplet can be accessed on a computer using the Internet – whether this be laptops or desktops. It can also be accessed using iPads through the use of the Popplet application. There are two applications you can choose from that include the free version, Popplet Lite, and the paid version of $7.99. The Popplet Lite is limited to one Popplet while the paid version lets you create an unlimited number of Popplets.

Cross-curriculum priorities and general capabilities

Literacy, Numeracy, Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Capability, Critical and Creative Thinking.

Links to other learning areas

Popplet can used for any subject. It can focus on one or multiple.


Lesson 1 – Bridge Construction

Screen Shot 2015-08-20 at 9.47.26 am

Task 3:

In society we often come across problems that we are required to find solutions to. In the past people were always discovering and experimenting with ideas and technologies to solve problems or make things easier. Society is still continually developing new ideas and technologies to come up with solutions, make things more efficient or to assist sustainability. This series of 5 sequential lessons, allows students the opportunity  to practise their problem solving skills and using their creativity to create designs and technologies. Students will focus on and investigate bridge construction. They are given the opportunity to investigate, plan, test, evaluate and re-construct bridges, while exploring purpose, material selection and design. Students will also look at people involved in the process and the impact on the community.

design process

Please follow the link to see my lesson 1 overview:


Mindmap: Design a model Greenhouse Year 2 Lesson 3

download (1)I have attached a link to my interactive learning experience on the Mindmeister website.

In this lesson, students will begin creating their design for a greenhouse that can be used by their school to grow more vegetables to use in their diets.