Bringing Vlogging into the Classroom

Kidzvuz is a free and safe online vlogging site. Kidvuz makes sure participants on their site are safe by being complaint with the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act. Parents need to approve their child’s account before they are able to have access to uploading videos. Participants personal information is never given out online and none of their personal information is  sold to out side companies.

Kidzvuz allows students to express their opinions and review the things they love. Kidzvuz gives children a sense of community, as they are surrounded by other children who have similar interests. The average age of the participants on this site range from seven to twelve, making this resource suitable to use in the classroom.

The following video gives you a little insight into what KidzVuz is all about.

Subject: Digital Technologies

Year Level: F-2

Strand: Digital Technologies Knowledge and Understanding

Sub-strand: Digital systems

Digital systems (hardware and software) are used for an identified purpose (ACTDIK001)

Link to resource:

Cross curriculum priorities and general capabilities:
Information and Communication Technology (ICT)
Critical and creative thinking

Links to other learning areas:
Health and Physical Education


A classroom activity using this resource:

This resource is great  because it allows students to experiment with  hardware devices in recording videos (Ipad, Laptop, Computer) and software programs to upload the videos (Kidzvuz). A great way to incorporate this resource into the classroom is to have the children read a book over a set time frame. It could be to read at least one book every week, every fortnight, every month. Whatever is best suited for the class. At the end of the time frame, students can review the book/s they have read and upload them onto Kidzvuz. This resource not only allows students to use hardware and software to create an item but they are also developing their comprehension skill. Therefore, this activity can strongly be linked with English.

This resource could be used to incorporate internet safety into a health lesson. If students are going to be uploading a video of themselves online, then they need to know the basics of internet safety and the correct etiquette to use.

This resource is a great tool to use in English, but this resource is not restricted to that subject has endless possibilities. You are able integrate this resource into many other curriculum subjects and tailor it to meet your criteria.

How to use this resource:
1. All participants will need to sign up to the website and fill in the information provided in the picture below.
2. The next step is to click on ‘Submit a video’ in the top right hand corner.

3. You will then see a new window pop up. On this window it asks you to fill in the box with what you are planning to review.

4. The last step is to press record on the next screen and record your review. The video must be no longer than 2 minutes. After this time frame, the recording will cut off. You then press submit and then your review is uploaded.