
Do your students love to build?

TinkerCad is a fun, innovative and engaging way to allow your students imaginations to come to life. It was first founded in 2011, bringing the first browser-based 3D design platform to the world.

TinkerCad allows your students to create their ideas into 3D images which in the upper years they can then print them off if they have access to a 3D printer. If not, they can save their creations and create a design portfolio for all the objects they have made. This is an exciting way to get all students involved and they are only limited by their imaginations.

Subject: Technologies

Year Level: 3 – 6

Strand: Design Technologies

Sub Strands:

Knowledge and Understanding

Processes and Production Skills

Curriculum Links (specific to TinkerCad)

Develop and communicate ideas using labelled drawings and appropriate technical terms

Use criteria to evaluate and justify simple design processes and solutions

Suitability and safe practice when using materials, tools and equipment for a range of purposes (ACTDEK013)

Use criteria to evaluate and justify simple design processes and solutions

Develop and communicate design ideas and decisions using annotated drawings and appropriate technical terms

Cross Curriculum Priorities:


General Capabilities:



Information and Communication Technology Capability

Critical and Creative Thinking

Personal and Social Capability

Further Links:

Youtube introduction: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KCaenAGeK_Q






By Jarrod Kuah


RoboCup Australia and the Technologies Curriculum


What is RoboCup Junior?

RoboCup Junior is a project-oriented educational initiative which is designed to introduce

primary and secondary children to the field of robotics and Artificial Intelligence (AI). With the added aspect of competitions and nation wide participants, the program is creatively designed and educational.

“The ultimate goal of RoboCup is that by the middle of the 21st century, a team of fully autonomous humanoid robot soccer players shall play (and win!) a soccer game against the (human) world champions”. ( http://www.robocupjunior.org.au).

Objectives of RoboCup:

  • To encourage young people to take an interest in scientific and technological fields and engage in the process through robotic competitions.
  • To expand students social, intellectual and problem solving skills and has a strong emphasis on learning and enjoyment.
  •  To develop informed and independent adults, through a new appreciation of the pros and cons of technology and technological advances.
  •  School wide and community wide engagement, cooperation and involvement through the added aspect of nation wide and world wide competition.

Useful information for teachers:

Resources: The program includes ‘Robotics teaching and learning program examples’, as well as all the relevant Curriculum documents included in the program. Assessment items are also suggested and included, such as the completion of a ‘log book’ during their stages of designing, creating, evaluating and managing (as linked directly to the Technologies curriculum).

Inclusivity: The program allows for the inclusion of students at all levels of learning, with aspects such as designing, team work, allocation of roles and data analysis.

Furthermore, the program could be a whole-school, or community wide initiative to raise awareness about technology, and create a fun and competitive learning experience.


  • Year 5 and 6
  • Year 7 and 8
  • Year 9 and 10 (elective subject)

Subject: Design and Technologies

Sub strand: Creating Design solutions by:

  • Investigating and defining
  • Designing
  • Producing and Implementing
  • Evaluating
  • Collaborating and managing

Curriculum links:

As the program is broad and allows for flexibility into all areas, the curriculum links regarding the Technologies Curriculum are extensive, and can include all strands under the Design and Technologies Subject.

The Year 5 and 6 curriculum strands are demonstrated below:


Year 5 and 6:

Knowledge and Understanding:

Investigate how electrical energy can control movement, sound or light in a designed product or system (ACTDEK020)

Investigate characteristics and properties of a range of materials, systems, components, tools and equipment and evaluate the impact of their use (ACTDEK023)

Process and production skills:

Critique needs or opportunities for designing, and investigate materials, components, tools, equipment and processes to achieve intended designed solutions (ACTDEP024)

Generate, develop and communicate design ideas and processes for audiences using appropriate technical terms and graphical representation techniques (ACTDEP025)

Select appropriate materials, components, tools, equipment and techniques and apply safe procedures to make designed solutions (ACTDEP026)

Develop project plans that include consideration of resources when making designed solutions individually and collaboratively (ACTDEP028)

Cross Curriculum Priorities: Sustainability, Asia and Australia’s Engagement with Asia.

General capabilities:

  • Critical and creative thinking
  • Literacy
  • Numeracy
  • ICT
  • Personal and Social Competence

Further reading/ Links:

The Australian Curriculum:


RoboCup Junior Australia: http://www.robocupjunior.org.au/acaracop

Minecraft and Computational Thinking

Minecraft is interesting from lots of different perspectives. It is a familiar and engaging gaming platform where  kids can spend hours building and modifying virtual worlds. Whilst doing things that they consider to be entertainment they are inadvertently learning key computational thinking skills.
Screen Shot 2016-08-07 at 7.52.09 PM


What is Computational Thinking?

“Computational thinking is a way humans solve problems; it is not trying to get humans to think like computers. Computers are dull and boring; humans are clever and imaginative. We humans make computers exciting. Equipped with computing devices, we use our cleverness to tackle problems we would not dare take on before the age of computing and build systems with functionality limited only by our imaginations; ” Jeanette M Wing

Minecraft happens to be a fantastic sandbox game to explore computational thinking. Minecraft provides a platform in which 21st century literacy skills can be explored and developed to cater for the learning objectives in the Australian Technology Curriculum. Educators have the option to utilise the existing user interface or subscribe to the new and improved Minecraft:Education Edition which makes implementing this amazing learning tool into your existing curriculum as easy as clicking on a mouse.

Using Minecraft as an Educational Tool 

 Read on further to discover how Minecraft can address the four cornerstones of computation thinking and the lesson plans offered in the Minecraft: Education Edition!

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Lightbot Programming

Subject: Digital technologies

Year level: 5

Strand: Digital processes and Production Skills light-bot-11843

Sub strand: Digital Implementation -Design, follow and represent diagrammatically, a simple sequence of steps (algorithm), involving branching (decisions) and iteration (repetition) (ACTDIP019)

Link to the resource: This recourse is an app and can be found in any app store for either apple or android products. a preview video can be found at https://lightbot.com/ 

Cross curriculum priorities and general capabilities:

Information and Communication Technology Capability (ICT) 

Creative and Critical Thinking

Numeracy – Patterns and Relationships 

Links to other learning areas:


A classroom activity using this resource:

This application can be used to teach students about creating a code. In this application students have to create a code in order to get the character to turn all of the lights to blue. This requires students to engage in procedural programming and thinking ahead of time. This could be introduced to to the student with a practical game of find the treasure in which students must verbally give instructions to a partner to get to an object or place. This thinking can then be transferred into the application as students will have to think about all the steps needed to reach their goal ahead of time.

How to use this resource: 

This app is very simple making it easy for students to follow. Students will see an i mage of a man and a blue light. Using the arrows the students must create a code that the man will follow and eventually reach the blue light.


21st Century Literacy with Hello Ruby

21st Century Literacy with Hello Ruby


Hello Ruby

Header home

The four cornerstones of computational thinking and Hello Ruby

Code is the 21st century literacy and the need for educators to incorporate the language of technology into the curriculum is essential . Our world is increasingly run by software and we need to equip the future generations with the skills to contribute to society in a meaningful and constructive way.
Hello Ruby provides students and educators with the opportunity to explore, create and design the world of programming. Writing software is as much a practical application as it is about expression and creativity where kids learn programming logic before even showing a single screen .
Finish developer Linda Liukas has created a world of code that can reach children at their own level. Her team  has also made it accessible for educators who are still developing  their skills in the new and exiting world of technology. Students are introduced to the four cornerstones of computation thinking, decomposition, pattern recognition , abstraction and algorithms during hands on real world activities. Best of all its free!!
Linda Luika and her TED talk. This is definitely worth watching and will inspire you in your technology journey!
Hello Ruby offers three engaging and relevant lessons that educators can directly  implemented into the class and ensure educators are addressing the technology needs of the 21st learner. Please read on to discover the amazing opportunities that Hello Ruby can offer to you and your students!

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KidBot Start –  Coding Program

KidBot Start – Coding Program

Resource:KidBot image

  • KidBot Start – Coding Program

Year Level:

  • Year 3


  • Digital Technologies

Sub Strand:

Digital implementation
  • Use visually represented sequenced steps (algorithms), including steps with decisions made by the user (branching) (ACTDIP011)




Cross Curricular Priorities:

  • Numeracy
  • Information and Communication Technology (ICT) capability
  • Critical and Creative thinking

Links to other learning areas:

  • Math- Measurement and Geometry
  • ICT – Coding and programing
  • English – De-coding information and reading instructions

What is ‘KidBot Start’?

KidBot Start is a educational application (app) suited for lower primary aged students. KidBot introduces students to programming through fun puzzles that become increasingly more difficult as the levels progress. The idea behind the game is that students follow commands, move around the playing screen adventure page, gather toys through applying and selecting movement sequences. The game lets students gain deeper understanding of the basic concepts behind coding and robot building. The game involves instructional sequencing, identifying common patterns and separate procedures, conditional execution, loops and recursion.

The language used within the game is inspired by the fundamental ARM architectural program. This means that students learn how computers and programing work on a foundation level including how loops and conditional executions are built by placing blocks in specific orders. The game provides support for students with tips and quick tutorials within each level. The game can be used by students independently no matter what their prior experience with Coding.

‘KidBot’ Start features 24 levels, the levels cover sequencing, subprograms and basic conditions. ‘KidBot Full’ features 48 levels and adds more condition operators as well as jumps within this version of the game.

A classroom activity using this resource:

This app develops the students computational thinking by allowing them to think and apply progressive sequences of steps, to maneuver a robot around a puzzle/maze. This app will support students in Mathematics as it allows them to work independently on an interactive task where they can apply different sequences of steps and discover correct answers/methods. Each level becomes more complex and students’ critical and creative thinking is challenged with more difficult activities. The app makes coding a friendly exercise where the colourful images and happy sounds invite students to want to participate. This app would support a Co-ordinates lesson in Mathematics as the students are taught subject specific language relating directionality and then physically moving 3D objects will assist with the visualization of steps.

The game enhances student confidence and academic ability to apply gained knowledge to make the robot collect toys by inputting instructional directions. There are different stages to advance different ability learners. The program provides students with an interactive game that builds upon their either already gained knowledge regarding Coding and programing or provides new introductory education for beginners. This app would be beneficial  after a whole class discussion/activity based on introducing coding. After creating and interpreting simple grid maps to show position and pathways this activity extends students with a multi modal experience.

How to purchase ‘KidBot Start’ and use it:

  • KidBot is available for IPad, Android tablets and all web browsers.
  • Once you have downloaded the app (for free) onto your chosen device you can then set up your own account. With this account your earned points (toys) will be collated and every time you log into the game your progress is saved.


School Curriculum and Standards Authority, Government of Western Australia, 2014.

Hopscotch: Geometry Dash

Hopscotch logo

Subject: Digital Technologies

Year Level : 4

Strand: Digital Technologies processes and production skills

Sub strand: Digital implementation

Use simple visual programming environments that include a sequence of steps (algorithm) involving decisions made by the user (branching) (ACTDIP011)

Sub strand: Creating solutions by producing and implementing

Link to the resource: http://www.gethopscotch.com/

General capabilities:

Numeracy; ICT; Critical and creative thinking; Personal and social capabilities

A classroom activity using this resource

Geometry Dash is a program developed by Hopscotch which allows students to develop and publish their own simple digital games. As a class, you can review previous constructed games and discuss the algorithms used to create them. In pairs or groups, students can then investigate what would happen if they made alterations to the algorithms, before designing and producing their own games independently. Importantly, the publishing aspect of this app allows students to share and evaluate each others work at the end of the lesson or lessons.

How to use this resource:

Hopscotch. (2016). Make geometry dash. Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BO4II-DZTeo&list=PLOdVzumQi5YC-TaJloe9J3EqHpDJJWvWg

Scratch Jr – Coding for kids!

Scratch Jr – Coding for kids!

Scratch Jr Screenshot (Retireved from https://itunes.apple.com/au/app/scratchjr/id895485086?mt=8)

ScratchJr Screenshot (Retrieved from https://itunes.apple.com/au/app/scratchjr/id895485086?mt=8)

Subject: Digital Technologies

Year level: F – 2

Strand: Digital Technologies Processes and Production Skills

Sub strand:  Creating solutions

Follow, describe and represent a sequence of steps and decisions (algorithms) needed to solve simple problems (ACTDIP004) – see link

Links to the resource

https://www.scratchjr.org/index.html – There are many links within this resource to learn how to use and master the application!



Cross curriculum priories and general capabilities

Information and communication technology (ICT)
Critical and creative thinking

Links to other learning areas


All about ScratchJr

Scratch Jr is a free application available on Andriod and Apple devices including iPads which allows students to create their own interactive stories and games through coding. Students learn sequencing skills as well as how to problem solve and design projects in a motivating and engaging context. Students use programming blocks which they sequence to make characters move, jump, or even dance and sing! They are able to add their own voices and sounds to personalise their learning experiences using ScratchJr. The application itself has been designed to be developmentally appropriate for students aged 5-7, matching their cognitive, personal, social and emotional development.

How to use ScratchJr

ScratchJr has a plethora of options for customisable stories for students to create, but the first step is to download the free app for the Google Play store or Apple Store (see links above). The next step is to learn how to use the program, and thankfully there are plenty of videos and guides that can be accessed to learn the programs interface, as well as customisation options, block descriptions and tutorials that can be found here from the creators of the application.

The basics of how to use ScratchJr is to create a project, choose an appropriate background and start customising characters.

ScratchJr Character Customization (Retrieved from https://www.scratchjr.org/images/learnpaint.png)

ScratchJr Character Customization (Retrieved from https://www.scratchjr.org/images/learnpaint.png)

The next step is to start programming the characters to move and behave using the programming blocks. These can make characters move forwards, backwards, spin and jump along with interacting with other characters! A video on character animation can be found here. A video on how to make characters interact along with other trigger blocks (blocks that make the characters do things) can be found here.

ScratchJr Sequence of Steps (Retrieved from https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/564x/50/dd/58/50dd5812dd4c225fabe593d80b859f18.jpg)

ScratchJr Sequence of Steps (Retrieved from https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/564x/50/dd/58/50dd5812dd4c225fabe593d80b859f18.jpg)

Students can add as many slides, characters and animations they want to all while learning coding in a way that doesn’t feel like learning at all! Students develop teamwork, build designing and planning skills all while learning coding and sequencing.The sky is the limit with students imaginations being the only boundary to what they are able to create.

Using ScratchJr in the classroom

ScratchJr is an engaging and interactive application that will get students programming, using computational thinking and coding without even knowing it by creating animated stories. There are many lessons that can be based around learning how to use and create projects with the ScratchJr application. ScratchJr.org has very helpfully developed an Animated Genres Curriculum, created by the Developmental Technologies Research Group of Tufts University which dictates a series of modules and lessons to introduce, practice and implement the ScratchJr application. It starts by introducing the basic features of the application, and as lessons go by, introduces and uses more and more of its exciting features. It is six week program and can be found here. There are also a variety of activities which gives students (and teachers) a quick way to learn how to do new things in ScratchJr, organised from simplest to hardest for the users convenience found here.

ScratchJr is used in the classroom to develop students abilities in coding, algorithms and computational thinking and there are lots of activities the teacher can develop to challenge and enhance students learning. One activity could be for students to re-create a project that the teacher shows them in full screen (where the blocks are hidden) which develops their observation skills and problem solving. Literacy can be introduced by the use of dialogue between characters where spelling, punctuation and grammar can be a focus. Numeracy can be developed by the ability to create mazes with customisable backgrounds that students navigate characters through, practicing and using sequencing of steps in a meaningful and engaging way. More ideas can be found here.

Teachers and students use their imaginations to plan and create projects which foster engagement in coding and programming with a totally personalised experience which they are bound to enjoy.


Beebots: Digital technologies


Website: SketchUp

Year level:

  • 4

Strand and Content descriptor:

  • Processes and production skills
  • Use simple visual programming environments that include a sequence of steps (algorithm) involving decisions made by the user (branching) (ACTDIP011)

Links to other learning areas:

  • Visual arts- Development of artistic processes and techniques to explore visual conventions when making artworks: shape, colour, line, space, texture (ACAVAM111)
  • English-   Interpret ideas and information in spoken texts and listen for key points in order to carry out tasks and use information to share and extend ideas and information (ACELY1687)

Cross curriculum priorities and general capabilities:

  • ICT
  • Critical and Creative Thinking

How to use SketchUp when teaching computational thinking in Technologies:

SketchUp is a user-friendly program with applications from that start of the design process, all the way through to final constructions of digital 3D designs. It was initially made for architects, but is a useful tool to prepare students with real-world skills in design and technology. Students create 3D designs using algorithms, patterns and models, as outlined in the ‘Computational Thinking’ section of the School Curriculum and Standards Authority.

Students can learn about shapes, estimating sizes, design, visual appeal, colours, textures/materials, critical and creative thinking such as problem solving and testing designs out. I used this program with a year 4 class. Students had a checklist and were required to follow instructions carefully to successfully design and create buildings. They needed to think about size, shape, materials, practicality and visual appeal. On the Smartboard, we demonstrated basic design ideas. Students were encouraged to experiment with these and challenge themselves. Because it is such a diverse program, it caters for a range of ability levels. Students who were confident could go above and beyond what the task required of them.

Students were highly engaged for extended periods of time and were passionate about getting their task completed, some challenging students were asking if they could keep working through lunch on their designs.

Book Creator

Mind Map

Subject: Digital Technologies

Year Level: Foundation – Year 10

Strand: Digital Technologies Processes and Production Skills



Sub strand: Using digital systems

2.4 Identify, explore and use digital systems ( hardware and software components) for personal and classroom needs.



Links to the resource:



Cross curriculum priorities and general capabilities:

Book creator allows teachers to easily cover the following cross curriculum priorities, sustainability, Asia and Australia’s engagement with Asia, and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander histories and cultures. For example,  around Clean Up Australia Day, usually carried out in the first week of March, students can create an eBook about how the school carries out this particular event and provide images of their involvement.

It also allows the ability to include the general capabilities of the Digital Technologies Curriculum. For example, it firstly covers the information and communication technology capability through using an iPad or computer. It also allows students to use their creative thinking in processes of designing their eBook.


Links to other learning areas:

Science, English, Society and Environment, LOTE, Mathematics, Health, Music.


Using this resource in a classroom:

Book Creator is the the No. 1 book app for the iPad in 80 countries. It is very popular due to the fact that students are easily able to design and create digital content in a variety of ways. Book creator is open-ended so therefore, students can use their creativity to create children’s picture books, photo books, journals, text books and more.  Once they have finished, they can also email, print, or share their eBook on AirDrop, Drop Box, or YouTube. The app is also designed to  allow students to even publish their books to the iBooks store.

It can be used educationally, or as an early finishing reward. Teachers can use the app as a diagnostic, formative or summative assessment before, during or after learning experiences. Teachers can easily access the students creations through DropBox, YouTube or by getting the students to print it out.

The app is a very creative resource that can be used in the following learning areas:



Science: Students can create scientific reports that outline the features required to complete scientific investigations. They can also insert images into the eBook from the investigation to further back up their conclusion and findings. Students can also apply their newly learnt knowledge to label body parts, the solar system, or elaborate on how body systems work.

Mathematics: Teachers can get students to create brainstorms using the eBooks as a diagnostic assessment to help understand what students already know about a particular topic.

Society and Environment: To cover cross-curricular links, students in upper primary can complete an assignment where they are required to label Australia’s neighbouring countries on a map inserted into the eBook, and write about Asia’s involvement with Australia. You could also extend this further and ask students to choose one of Australia’s neighbouring countries and present a diagram or table showing the differences and similarities between both countries.



English: Students can write a variety of texts such as procedure texts, information reports and reflections just to name a few. An example of a procedure text is ‘How to tie a shoelace’ which would be aimed at lower primary but is an easy idea to start off with. LOTE: Japanese, French and Italian are the most popular languages to be learnt during primary school. Remembering particular words can become challenging, so students can use the app to create personal dictionaries of new words learnt each lesson.

Health: Students can create eBooks designed to advertise the importance of non-healthy habits, for example smoking. Students can print out their eBooks and place them in the school library, or around the school to get their message across to their wider community.

Music: Students can record themselves playing a particular instrument, write about the instrument and include steps require to be able to play the instrument.


How to use this resource

Book Creator can be bought from iTunes for intended use on the iPad, or from the Windows Store for intended use on a PC.

After purchasing the app, a guide to using the resource is available so it becomes clear on how to use the main features of the app.

The following link provides great support if any questions or problems arise while using Book Creator.
