Subject: Digital Technologies

Year Level: 1-7

Strand: Digital Technologies – Knowledge and Understanding

Sub strand: Interactions and impact

4.2 Investigate how well information systems meet home, classroom and community needs and envisage new applications for existing information systems.

Link to Resource: This can be found in the iTunes App store. The App is the free version and can be found by typing in Mad Maths into the itunes App store search bar. Make sure you choose the LITE version if you are seeking the it for free.

Cross Curricular priorities:

  • Numeracy
  • Information and Communication Technology (ICT) capability
  • Critical and creative thinking

Links to other Learning Areas:


A classroom activity using this resource:

This App is a lesson in itself. It is a digital way to answer your simple mathematics questions. You can monitor your progress as well as competing with classmates and friends. The App is adaptable as you can choose the parameters depending on the age group and is easily changed to increase or decrease the difficulty of the questions. It is similar to mathletics, but FREE and is available on your iPad or iPhone.


How to use this resource:

Download the Mad Maths – Lite App from the App store through iTunes.

Add a student using a nick name.

Choose the Problem type (+,-, /, x or mixed)

Choose the number type (whole, decimal or mixed).

Choose the number of flashcards (10,20,50 or 100)

Choose whether you want to allow for negative numbers.

Then off you go! Start Game!


App Published by Reese Mclean

Link to my Mind Meister:

AudioBOOM – Podcasts, music and so much more.

AudioBOOM – Podcasts, music and so much more.

Subject: Digital Technologies

Year Level: 3-7

Strand: Digital Technologies – Processes and Production Skills

Sub strand: Collecting, managing and analysing data & Digital Implementation

Content Descriptors:

Collect, store and present different types of data for a specific purpose using software (ATDIP016)

Manage the creation and communication of information, including online collaborative projects, using agreed social, ethical and technical protocols (ACTDIP022)

Create and communicate information collaboratively online, taking into account social contexts (ACTDIP032)

Link to Resource: This can be found in the iTunes App store. The App is free and can be found when Audioboom is typed into the search bar. It is also available on the internet through

Cross Curricular priorities:

  • Literacy
  • Numeracy
  • Information and Communication Technology (ICT) capability
  • Critical and creative thinking
  • Personal and social capability
  • Ethical understanding

Links to other Learning Areas:

  • English
  • Science
  • Mathematics
  • Health
  • Physical Education
  • Geography
  • History


A classroom activity using this resource:

Podcasts are a fun way to let other know what is going on in your life, community, sports club or your classroom. Students can take turns in recording a daily or weekly podcast to update parents, other teachers and students on what exciting things have been happening within their classroom. Kids are always forgetting to tell their parents about the note they have to sign, the fundraiser next Friday night and the assembly item on Monday morning! Audiboom allows the children to explain what news, notes and eventful things are happening in their classroom by recording a short message. Parents can download the App and with the click of a button can be up to date within a few short minutes. The podcast can be listened to over and over again. Audioboom also has features which allow you to listen to music, catch up on the daily news and review the current sports scores.


How to use this resource:

Download the Audioboom App from the App store through iTunes or access it through

Sign up using your email address.

Click on the areas which you would like to Audioboom to focus on (Entertainment, Sport, Business etc.)

Follow celebrities, sports teams or your classroom teacher to have their podcasts “pop up” when you open up the Audiboom App.

You can listen to any podcast with the click of a button, over and over again.

If you are the one recording the podcast the top left hand corner has a record button and it is as easy as that!

Home screenSearch Bar ScreenSide Toolbar

Home Screen                        Search bar screen                         Side Toolbar


Published by Audioboo Ltd


Link to my Mind Meister

Stop Motion

Resource: Stop Motion


Year level:  5-6

Subject:  Technologies

Strand: Design Technologies

Substrand: Design and Technologies Processes and Production Skills

Content Descriptor:

3- 4 Critique needs or opportunities for designing and explore and test a variety of materialscomponentstools and equipment and the techniques needed to produce designed solutions (ACTDEP014)

5- 6 Critique needs or opportunities for designing, and investigate materials,componentstoolsequipment and processes to achieve intendeddesigned solutions (ACTDEP024)

General Capabilties:

  • Literacy
  • Information and Communication Technology
  • Critical and Creative Thinkin

Cross Curricular:

Sustainability – Students and teachers are able to use less paper by creating as assessment through using other materials around the classroom.

Links to other learning areas:

English – Students are able to extend their reading and comprehension through adding words onto their stop motion film.

Mathematics – Mathematics is used during this process while looking at the amount of pictures taken and editing the timing of the film.

 1 2 3


Stop Motion allows students to see how an animated film is made through putting together a sequence of pictures. This application allows students to make their own stop motion animation. The application is used to take the sequence of photos, edit them and play them together to create a movie. The difficulty of the task can be adapted to suit the individual needs of the students. Through this app the student is able to add audio onto their stop motion film and preview the sound to make sure it is correct. The student can import sounds onto the iPad to also add onto their film.

This application also allows students to see the entire animation on the navigation panel, therefore students can see where they need to add more detail to their animation. In order to create their animation the students will need to collaborate as a group, investigate what materials will be needed to create their film, the techniques they will use in their film and individual differences will be catered for as this task can be completed in numerous ways.


How to use this in your classroom:

  • Go onto the application– ensuring a Wi-Fi connection is available
  • Show the students example stop motion animations which are available on the application
  • Brain storm ideas or provide a topic for the students to focus on
  • Once the students have collaborated and have a plan for their animation they can begin setting up the scenes with their desired equipment
  • The students will take a photo each time their want their scene to change – whether the setting changes or their characters will move
  • It is necessary to take as many photos of the movements as possible as this will allow for an animation which looks the most realistic
  • The students are able to edit the timing of the animation, swap the order of their animation as well as add audio to the slides
  • The camera overlay option is a great way to see how much movement you have between the slides on your animation
  • Once the students are happy with their animation they are able to show this animation to the class as their own stop motion animation

Milk Cycle

Resource: Milk Cycle


Year level: Years 3 and 4

Subject: Technologies

Strand: Design and Technologies

Sub-strand: Design and Technologies Knowledge and Understanding

Content descriptor: Investigate food and fibre production and food technologies used in modern and traditional societies (ACTDEK012)

Cross-curricular priorities: Sustainability

General capabilities:

  • Literacy
  • Numeracy
  • Information and communication technology capability
  • Critical and creative thinking
  • Personal and social capabilities

Links to other learning areas:

  • English
  • Mathematics
  • Science
  • Health

Resource Description:

This is an animated resource that explains how milk is produced and the technologies involved in getting it from the farm to people at home. This resource explains how cows are milked and then how the milk is stored, transported, tested, pasteurised, homogenised, packaged and delivered as well as the different technologies used at each stage.

Each stage is explained through the use of a description with age appropriate language and an animated diagram. This resource can be used as a whole class by displaying it on the interactive whiteboard and discussing each stage or individually or in pairs by allowing students to access the website on computers and moving through the information at their own pace.

QR Code Generator

Resource: QR code generator


Year level: 3-4

Subject: Technologies

Strand: Digital Technologies

Substrand: Digital Technologies Knowledge and Understanding

Content Descriptor:
• 3-4: Recognise different types of data and explore how the same data can be represented in different ways (ACTDIK008)

General Capabilties:
• Literacy
• Mathematics
• Information and Communication Technology
• Critical and Creative Thinking

Cross Curricular:
Sustainability – Students and teachers are able to use less paper by providing answers through this QR code. The information needed for tasks can also be provided using this code as well as websites for the students to reference.

Links to other learning areas:
English – Students are able to extend their reading and comprehension through activities which allow students to research websites, take notes and find answers.
Mathematics – Answers to maths equations and the process of how to solve these problems can also be provided through these QR codes.
Science – Students are able to research their desired science topic through the QR code link.

QR code generator is a website which allows teachers and students to create their own QR codes. QR codes enable a person to scan a code, using either a tablet/ipad device or compatable phone and are taken to a specific link. The options for the link include;
• V card
• Text
• E-mail
• MP3

The QR code is also able to be customised to a number of different colours and a symbol is also able to be added onto the QR code. This is a useful resource in the classroom as students are able to use the Ipads provided to assist in their learning. The QR codes can be used to create a link by the students to their piece of work, to a classroom brainstorm, answers for a piece of work or a website to take notes from. The QR codes can be displayed in many different ways, whether it be in stations around the room, attached to students work books, or on a sheet of paper students are working on.



How to use this in your classroom:
• Go onto the website – ensuring a Wi-Fi connection is available
• Copy the desired link into the URL box
• Change the colour or add symbol if desired
• Click ‘create QR code’
• Then click ‘download’
• The picture for the QR code can either be printed onto a sheet the students are using or cut out separately and placed around the room
• The students can scan the code using their Ipads
• Which will either take them to a website to write notes from or answers to their questions to mark themselves

Thinglink for teachers


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Thinglink URL:

Thinglink App:

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Screen Shot 2015-08-06 at 4.19.53 pm

Using Thinglink in the classroom:

About the Thinglink App: This is an interactive image tool that provides users with the ability to turn any image into a multimedia resource with embedded videos, record audios or links to any website which can be launched by simply clicking on the tags made by the user on the image. Users can create multiple tags on parts of an image and turn the image into a multimedia launcher.  This app can be used to collect resources for a project or unit of study across different subject areas and year levels.

Band Level: F- 7

Links to other learning areas:

Strand: Digital Technologies:

Knowledge and understanding:

Investigate the main components of common digital systems, their basic functions and interactions, and how such digital systems may connect together to form networks to transmit data (ACTDIK014).

The components of digital systems: hardware, software and networks and their use.

Processes and production skills:

Collecting, managing and analysing data.

Acquire, store and validate different types of data and use a range of commonly available software to interpret and visualise data in context to create information (ACTDIP016)

Strand: Design and Technologies :

Knowledge and understanding:

Investigate characteristics and properties of a range of materials, systems, components, tools and equipment and evaluate the impact of their use (ACTDEK023)

Processes and production skills:

Generate, develop, communicate and document design ideas and processes for audiences using appropriate technical terms and graphical representation techniques (ACTDEP025)

Here are some examples of educational ideas that can be used in the classroom with the Thinglink app:


Create an Interactive Report: Students select an image that best illustrates the general topic of the report; for example, the heart, a painting by an artist, a photo or illustration of a famous person, a map. They should create a tag with the citation for the image. Then add information as appropriate: Short audio clips recorded and uploaded to Soundcloud, Primary source documents, Podcasts or speeches, Video about the topic, A Google doc or presentation they’ve created.

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Getting to Know You: Ask students to take photos of one another or draw self-portraits using an online drawing tool. Each student should upload his/her image and add tags to help others get to know him or her. For example, create a tag or link to a photo to describe his/her: Favorite subjects, Hobbies or sports, Ancestry, Map with places they’ve lived or visited, Favorite song, band or group, Favorite TV show, website, or game. For this example I chose Clark Kent.

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Visit here for more of Aunty Tech’s ideas for Thinglink:

Here are some more examples of educational ideas that can be used in the classroom with the Thinglink app:


Task Library:Collect resources for a project or unit of study using thinglink. This shows a task library for a teacher, and a student task library is embedded. Students and Teachers can collaboratively add to it.

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Thinglink can be used for digital storytelling too. This thinglink turns a comic strip into an interactive story.

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Gameboards: Click on pictures to see the interactive multimedia embedded.

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Click for more of Emily’s Educational ideas:

Gallipoli. Australian Broadcasting Corporation


Subject: Digital Technologies

Year Level:5,6

Strand: Design and Technologies Knowledge and Understanding, History

Link to the resource

Can only be downloaded from the Play Store or the App Store

Cross curriculum priorities and general capabilities:

Information and Communication Technology, Literacy, Numeracy and Civics and Citizenship

Links to other learning areas

English, ICT, History, Geography

A classroom activity using this resource

This application can be used to enhance the students’ knowledge of Australia’s history in wartime, focused on the World War One landing in Anzac Cove. Students explore the 24 hours surrounding the landing at Anzac Cove and can listen to and read first hand accounts of the events from soldiers and collect points to unlock medals and be promoted through the ranks. Students can explore maps as drawn by members of the Australian, New Zealand and Turkish forces. As they students move through different times of the landing they are shown short clips and given detailed information about each event.

How to use this resource:

This resource could be used to aide students in investigating the events and significance of ANZAC Day. Students will be capable of independently navigating the application however will require a structured task to complete or use this to aid research. Gallipoli could also be used as an engaging introduction lesson for students.



F – 2

Digital technologies

Sub strand:

Using digital systems and creating and interacting online

2.4 Identify, explore and use digital systems (hardware and software components) for personal and classroom needs

2.6 Work with others to organise and create ideas and information in the form of text, images and audio using information systems, and share these with people in safe online environments.

Link to resource:

Cross curriculum priorities:
There is a potential to connect Voki with any of the cross curriculum priorities. This will be highly dependent on the choice of learning area and content by the teacher.

Links to other learning areas:
English, mathematics, the arts (music, drama, media), history and geography

Note: Voki has the potential to be used in any learning area.

About Voki:
Voki is an online resource that has been designed to allow users to create customised character videos. Throughout the creation process students are provided with visual, verbal and written prompts making it an easy to follow process. The first step to creating a customised voki is to select a character, then choose a background and lastly selecting a mode of audio.

Teachers also have the option to purchase “Voki Classroom”. This option on the website delivers a more extensive range of character and background options. When implemented into a classroom environment Voki has a variety of uses and benefits. It engages students through interactive lessons, it introduces technology into curriculum in a simple yet effective manner and can be used to assist audio and visual learners.   

Also, you can embed Voki into your PowerPoint presentations to make them more engaging and to help cater for the visual and auditory learners in the classroom.



Voki also has a selection of tutorials and lesson plans available on the website.

Learn more about voki:

Lesson plans using voki: 4




Additionally, some useful tutorial videos are available on YouTube.

Voki tutorial:


Official Voki tutorial: How to create and publish your voki



ACARA Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority. [2011].

            Cross-curriculum priorities. Retrieved from  



ACARA Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority. [2013].

            Draft Australian Curriculum: Technologies. Retrieved from


ACARA Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority. [2013].

            General Capabilities. Retrieved from


Voki. (2014). Retrieved from

Fun activities for teaching technology


Here are two rescourses for introductory tasks  into technology that can be altered to fit any year level and ability.

The first activity can be altered to suit any year level. It is a design and technology activity which enables students to work togethor, think creatively and problem solve. The task can be done at any time with minimal preperation. I think the task is a great ice breaker for students at the start of the year, the teacher can start to see how different children interact and communicate and students will have the opportunity to learn from and talk to their peers. The task is done with groups of 2-4 where students are given a bag of objects such as masking tape, cotton balls, cardboard, pegs, pipecleaners, newspaper, match sticks and anything that is readily available in the classroom. Students must then work togethor to plan, design and construct an object/new technology/invention. Groups will then present this to the class and highlight what it is, what is is used for, how it works best, what it is made of? This is a hands on task which students can enjoy doing while using creative thinking, co-operation skills and problem solving.

The link to the task idea is:

The second resourse is a lesson plan for an introduction to ‘what is technology?’ in the classroom. Could be used for students from year 4-10. The lesson involves brainstorming of ‘what is technology? Students then work in groups to list as many technologies that they can think of. This is an interesting activity as students will come up with very different activities according to what they perceive as ‘technology’. Students in groups will then research the history of these listed technologies and find out invention dates and other information. This information is shared with the rest of the class. As class and teacher guided, students then use string to make a technology timeline using the invention dates that students researched about different technolgies. This can then be displayed in the classroom as a good talking and reference point for further learning and lessons in technology.  A timeline digital time line could also be created on the computer as an individual task.

The link for the task idea is:

These links will be added to the relevant sections of a mind map which deconstructs the Technology curriculum for Australian students:

Hope this can provide an idea or a springboard for an idea for the teaching/technology world.





iBeacon: iPad App – A ccanning app that facilitates learning with technology.

Chinese class
Photo Credit: <cleverCl@i®ê> via Compfight 

Digital Technologies

Knowledge and Understanding

Interaction and Impact

Years 3-4

4.2 Investigate how well information systems meet home, classroom and community needs and envisage new applications for existing information systems


  • investigating how information systems are used in communities and explaining what needs are being met, for example students jointly creating a short survey and collecting data about how many community residents use the online library borrowing system to download e-books and why they do or do not
  • testing the adequacy of developed solutions, for example asking a classmate to review a digital solution and provide feedback

Link to app used in a school:

Cross Curricular and General Capabilities
Opportunities for:

– Critical and Creative thinking
– Personal and social capabilities
– Intercultural understanding
– Ethical Understanding

Class activities for this resource:
This App is really handy in linking the class and school together in learning zones.  Students use an iPad to hot spots or beacons – the Ipad changes colour the closer you get to a learning zone. Once you are in the learning zone the app takes the student to the link task. The app review on Youtube used an iBeacon in a library. Hovering above a pile of books students used the iPad to read through other student book reviews and search for books that were of interest to them. Other learning zones included educational videos created by other students. If used correctly – it could be a wonderful tool for many students. Students can collaborate and contribute to other students learning. It is a  tool to use in classrooms to create resources for other students whilst learning themselves. Creating an online learning community!