
Korffman wins elections after conflicts.






Photo Credit: Bruno VW via Compfight

Subject: Technology

Year Level: 5-6

Strand: Digital Technology

Sub Strand:Digital technologies processes and production skills

Content Description: 6.9 Manage the creation and communication of ideas  and information including online collaborative projects, applying  agreed ethical, social and technical protocols.

Elaboration: Using a range of communication tools to share ideas and information, for example participating in collaborative online environments

Link to Resource:

Cross Curriculum Priorities and General Capabilities: Easily linked to multiple Cross Curriculum Priorities and General Capabilities; for instance Literacy, ICT, Personal and Social Capabilities, Creative and Critical Thinking

Links to Other Learning Areas:  Easily linked to a multitude of Learning Areas, History, Science, English, Maths and Geography to name a few.

A Classroom Activity using this Resource:  After conducting research and inquiry activities, students can compile their information using Touchcast technology as an interactive display of their learning. These can easily be posted on the classroom blog for parent viewing ( with permission), and contribute to learning and assessment portfolios.

How to use this Resource: This resource can be highly adaptable. Teachers can use it during classroom research as an adaption of the webquest. Students can present learning through the use of Touchcast either collaboratively or individually.


More Learning:

Building Bridges

Here is an interactive lesson plan for students to develop ideas of forces applied to bridges and how to use these forces to strengthen the construction. Check out my mind map detailing the lesson.

Uphill - Explored
Photo Credit: Don McCullough via Compfight


Useful websites

From Plants to Pants

Mature cotton field, Cherokee County
Creative Commons License Photo Credit: Martin LaBar via Compfightechnology

Subject; Technology

Year Level; 3-4

Strand; Design and Technologies

Sub Strand; Design and technologies knowledge and understanding; Design and technologies processes and production skills

Content Description;  Food and Fibre Production
 4.3 Investigate fibre production used in modern and traditional societies

Collaborate and Manage
4.9 Plan a sequence of production steps when making designed solutions individually and collaboratively

Elaboration; Describing ideal conditions for successful plant and animal production including how climate and soils affect production and availability of foods. Identifying the steps in a mass production process

Link to Resource;

This resource supplies a myriad of activities and tasks and a multitude of multi media representations that assist in the developing of knowledge and understandings of the Cotton Industry in Australia.

Links to other Learning Areas; Science, Geography, History

Cross Curriculum Priorities and General Capabilities; Sustainability; Literacy, ICT, Personal and Social Capabilities, 

A classroom activity using this Resource;  This resource can be easily applied into the classroom context and the use of jeans, a familiar and identifiable item, increases relevance and initiates  a deep meaning  context among the students. Tasks can easily be adapted to suit the needs of the diverse learning capabilities of the classroom, and extension activities can be achieved through research and investigations in Geography and Science respectively.  For classroom teachers, Cotton Australia provides free education kits and lesson plans.

How to use this Resource; Small group inquiry

Further Learning;

More helpful videos

Sugar Detective

Creative Commons License Photo Credit: Funkyah via CompfightSubject;

Subject; Technology

Year; 3-4

Strand; Design and Technologies

Sub Strand; Design and Technologies Knowledge and Understanding; Design and Technologies Processes and Production Skills

Content Description

 4.3 Investigate food and fibre production and food technologies used in modern and traditional societies

4.6 Generate, develop, and communicate design ideas and decisions using technical terms and graphical representations

 Elaboration; 4.3 Investigating the labels on food products to determine how the information provided contributes to healthy eating, for example ingredients and nutrition panels

Link to Resource;

*This resource is wonderfully created and comes complete with activities, powerpoints, and all interactive media required to readily engage your classroom.

Link to Other Learning Areas; Health, Science, Math

Cross Curriculum Priorities and General Capabilities;  Sustainability; Literacy, Numeracy, ICT, Personal and Social Capabilities.

A Classroom Activity using this Resource; This resource is carefully planned and can be easily replicated in a classroom environment.  The inquiry model makes this activity purposeful and relevant to all students and can be easily modified to cater for diverse student capabilities. This task leads readily into extension activities where students can investigate the school canteen choices for drinks and create whole school awareness of the sugar content in many drinks. This resource aims to increase awareness and promote life long healthy choices in students lives.

How to use this Resource;  Small group inquiry

Further Learning;