Cooking with comparison

Download the word version: Task three

Students are in a Year four class from an Independent school in the Eastern suburbs. They have 25 students in their class, one with special needs who requires an EA. In technology students are looking how the change of technology influences our lives. In this lesson students are required to compare the use of making a cake with a wooden spoon vs. electric beaters. Letters/emails were sent home asking for parents help for their children to experience life before technology. Four parents have been able to help. This allows for five groups of five to have a parent helper and an EA supervise.

Alignment with ACARA:

4.1Recognise factors that impact on the design of products, services and environments including the roles of designers and technologists to meet local community needs.

4.3 Recognise the contribution food and fibre productions and food technologies make to modern and traditional societies.

Focus question: How the change of technology influences our lives

Materials required: Recipe, two bowls, wooden spoon, electric beater, eggs, milk, butter and sugar.

Cross-curricular links and General capabilities:

Personal and social capability (PSC)

Measurement and Geometry (using units of measurement) Use scaled instruments to measure masses, capacities (ACMMG084

  1. Students read through recipe and decide how they will take turns adding and mixing the ingredients.
  2. Students have measured and weigh the ingredients.
  3. Students take turns of mixing the ingredients with the wooden spoon.
  4. Parent helper starts mixing then invites one students at a time to have a turn with the electric beater.
  5. After the ingredients have been combined, students spoon the mixture into the cake tins.
  6. Parent helpers/EA’s take the tins to the oven.
  7. Students complete the compare and contrast table on the bottom of the recipe.




Students finish product.




Kids Blog

Subject: Digital Technology

Year: 3 and 4

Strand: Digital Technologies processes and production skills

Sub strand: Creating and interacting online

4.7 Manage the creation, sharing and exchange the information with known audiences and apply agreed social protocols to protect people when communicating on line

Links to resource

Cross curricular priorities and general capabilities: 

Literacy (LIT), Information and communication technology (ICT) capability, Critical and creative thinking (CCT), Personal and social capability (PSC) & Ethical understanding (EU)

Classroom activity:

This is a fun and engaging activity where students have the opportunity to create and manage their very own online blog. Students are able to practice and demonstrate their literacy ability by uploading a  range of e-Portfolios such as: videos, slide shows, artworks and much more. This is all uploaded for a real life audience to see . This gives each task a meaningful purpose. Before students begin to blog the teacher, they discuss appropriate roles and responsibilities of each student to using and communicating on the blog. Students add relative information to the blog which will lead to the students uploading their rich task.

How to use:


  1.  goes to
  2. signs up
  3. publishes a starting post
  4. customises the privacy setting
  5. adds all students



Bushfire Patrol

Subject: Design and Technology

Year: 3 -4

Strand: Design and Technologies knowledge and understanding

Sub strand: Technology and society

4.1 Recognise factors that impact on the design of products, services and environments including the role of designers and technologies to meet community needs.

Links to resource:

Cross curricular priorities and general capabilities: 

Personal and social capability (PSC), Critical and creative thinking (CCT), Information and communication Technology (ICT) capability, Geography,

Classroom activity:


  • On the IWB display an image of a text message.
  • Start a class discussion about what they think it is and why it has been sent.
  • Explain to students that this is a watch and an SMS that was sent to inform people in this area about a fire. This is the catalysis for the next 5 lessons on fire safety.
  • Throughout the five lessons students will be: introduced to what bush fires are, how heat causes physical change to fires, learn and develop a range of skills required for bush fires, clarify actions their families can implement to protect their home and learn the importance of a survival plan.

How to use:

  1. Teacher visits
  2. Looks through the lessons and prepare any resources requirements