
Subject: Digital Technologies

Strand: Knowledge and Understanding & Processes and Production Skills

Sub strands: Representation of Data & Collecting, Managing and Analysing Data

Different types of data can be represented in different ways (ACTDIK008)

Collect and present different types of datausing simple software to create useful information (ACTDIP009)

Link to the Resource: https://kahoot.it/#/

Cross curriculum priorities and general capabilities



Information and Communication Technology (ICT) capability

Critical and Creative Thinking

Links to Other Learning Areas:


Health and Physical Eduacation

Humanities and Social Sciences




The Arts

A classroom activity using this resource:

This resource can be implemented into any classroom that has internet connection, using either computers, iPads, interactive white boards or even mobile phones. It is designed to accomodate any of the learning areas by allowing any questions to be placed into the question boxes. A great example for this resource would be to question students on a topic that they have recently been learning. Students have to use their computational thinking skills to identify the correct answer and use their digital and ICT capabilities to answer the questions. Either the student or the teacher can comprise these questions, while the remainder has to select the correct one using a multiple choice system. Once all players have answered, the correct answer will be revealed. It is an effective way for students to focus on their own thinking and understanding of any learning area, and how technology can so simply be integrated into every day learning.

How to use this resource:

1. Visit the Kahoot website.

2. Click create a new Kahoot.

3. Insert questions that you wish to ask, as well as four answers, only one of them being correct.

4. Select the amount of time you would like to allow students to answer these questions.

5. Complete setup and get students to login to the Kahoot site using the login number.

6. Students create a player name, and login to the portal, once all students are logged in the game can proceed.

Students answer questions by pressing on their own individual technology device. After this, it will inform how many students voted for what answer, as well as what answer is correct. The students can also see who answered correctly the fastest, distributing points. Once the game has ended, a score is revealed as to who answered the most questions correctly and promptly.

Teachers can also print out the results from these quizzes to see percentages for student answers to evaluate understanding of the topic, as well as view which answers students did/ did not answer correctly for more information.

Scratch Project Editor

Coding using a sequence of steps

Subject: Technologies

Year Levels: 3-6

Strand: Digital Technologies: Processes and production skills

Sub strand: Digital Implementation: Use visually represented sequenced steps (algorithms), including steps with decisions made by the user (branching) (ACTDIP011)

Link to the resource:


Cross-curriculum priorities and general capabilities:


Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Capability

Critical and Creative thinking

Links to other learning areas:

Mathematics, Science

A classroom activity using this resource:

This resource is a great way to introduce, or extend, students’ ability to code and develop their design and computational thinking skills. The resource can be as simplified or extensive as each student requires, making it suitable for a large variety of age groups. Students maintain engagement as they create a sequencing of operations that are of interest to them, including character choice, setting, movements, etc. Students are required to generate a sequence of animations by choosing individual steps to create a whole animation. It encourages students to use their systematic, creative and logical thinking skills, and to identify how to break down and evaluate coding skills. Students can easily access this site using computers, iPads or mobile phones. It provides clear instructions and hints for how to create a wonderful animation.

How to use this resource:

Firstly, you will need to visit the website provided above. You will come to the home page.

You then need to select “Create” at the top

Then it is simple. Select your aviator, and plan a sequence of animations for this aviator by using the codes available. You can change the settings, change the aviator, change the type of actions performed by the aviator.

There are tutorials on the right hand side if you need assistance.

Add aviators, movements and sounds to create your fun animation.

You will require wifi to operate this website.