Book Creator App

Book Creator App is an app which can be used on the iPad. It is suitable for most age groups, however once the student is able to create words it is most appropriate. It is used when creating a story or book, and can be printed through the app also.

Subject: Digital Technologies

Year Level: 2-6

Strand: Digital Technologies processes and production skills

Sub Strand: Designing

Develop, communicate and discuss design ideas through describing, drawing, modeling and/or a sequence of steps

Link to the Resource:

Cross Curriculum Priorities:

  • Literacy
  • Numeracy
  • Information and Communication Technology (ICT) capability
  • Critical and creative thinking

Links to Other Learning Areas:

  • English
  • History
  • Geography
  • Science

A Classroom Activity Using This Resource

This recourse can be used during any lesson which requires a book or booklet to be created. Students are able to alter the colour, font and look of their book by using the side bar and following the prompts. In a literacy lesson, students could be creating their own narrative and create it through the Book Creator App on their iPad’s so that it can be printed. Students are able to insert illustrations, or draw them too.

How to use this resource

This resource can be easily downloaded through the App Store on iPads used at the school.  Students are able to follow the prompts, or the teacher can connect through the interactive whiteboard for students to follow along also. The app can be used independently or in groups, with little to no teacher modeling, or full teacher control.

WiiFit Plus

WiiFit Plus is a resource which is used in conjunction with the popular gaming device called a Wii. This resource can be integrated into Physical Education lessons, or also be used within the Special Needs sector of a school. The resource can also be used for students to slowly understand and gain knowledge about in order to teach other students or think creatively.

Subject: Digital Technologies

Year Level: K-10

Strand: Knowledge and Understanding

Sub-Strand: Materials and Technologies Specialisation

Suitability and safe practice when using materials, systems and components for a range of purposes (ACTDEK013)

Cross-Curriculum Priorities:

  • Critical and Creative Thinking (CCT)
  • Numeracy

Links to Other Learning Areas:

  • Physical Education
  • English

A Classroom Activity Using This Resource

This resource could be used for various reasons including behaviour management, and involvement or reward for special needs students. One way which this resource could be used for a whole classroom is where students have time to explore the Wii and engage with WiiFit Plus. Students will be given time to think critically and determine ways which the WiiFit Plus could be used and be helpful for younger students. Students work in groups to develop a guide or set of instructions explaining how to use the WiiFit Plus safely. Students will then be given time to pass their instructions onto another group for marking. This can be created into booklet and be used for younger students when using the Wii for the first time for physical education or a class free time.

How to use this resource

Wii Fit Plus combines fun and fitness into one product. It can change how you exercise, how you balance, and even how you move. Expanding upon the original Wii Fit software, Wii Fit Plus is packed with every feature from Wii Fit—plus new exercises and tools to personalize your exercise routine. Students can create their own character which they select before playing each time. The game is engaging, fun and involves different balance and fitness exercises which can be varied in difficulty. Once the school has a Wii, different games and resources can be purchased and used also.