Subject: Digital Technology

Year Level: 6

Strands:Digital Technologies: knowledge and understanding

Digital Technologies: Process and Production skills

Sub strands:Investigate and Define

Representation and Production skills

What is it?

Codingame is the latest way to improve your programming skills while having fun. Codingame is a program that successfully turns learning and practicing coding into a game. It is a fun way to learn about complex topics that motivates students to learn quickly. Through this program students are able to solve challenging problems, learn new concepts and become inspired to learn more about programming and coding. This is a continual education tool and although it isn’t the perfect tool for beginners it is great at advancing students knowledge and skills.

How is it used?

Codingame is used and can be found though the link to the resource. The program has different options of how to play the ‘game’. Students are able to participate in fun challenges while learning pure code. These coding games are turn based, and the game is scored. The score is generated based on the code and how it meets the game specifications.

Link to the resource

Content Descriptor Examples

Data is represented using codes (ACTDIK015)

Create and communicate information, including online collaborative projects, using agreed social, ethical and technical protocols (codes of conduct) (ACTDIP022)

Cross curriculum priorities and general capabilities

Critical and creative thinking

Personal and social capability

Information and Communication Technology (ICT)



Links to other learning areas



Skills developed

Practice pure code

Problem solving skills


Learn the language

Software knowledge




Subject: Digital Technology

Year Level: 1-6

(adapted purpose and applications for every year level)

Strand:Digital Technologies processes and production skills

Sub strand:Digital Implementation


What is it?

Sphero SPRK is the latest model of Sphero.

Sphero is very basically; a programmable ball. The sphero is a coding robot that is controlled by a remote control smart device such as an iPad through a range of applications with varying purposes.

The Sphero SPRK has a transparent design allowing students to see the inner mechanics of the robot. With features such as LED lights and inductive charging it is attractive and easy to use. The mechanics of the Sphero allow it to spin at various speeds and directions as directed by the application (Android, IOS or Amazon fire) which remote-control the ball.

The first and maybe the most important reason to use the Sphero ball in an education setting, is that it’s fun. It is a great way to engage students of any age or level with both digital technology, coding and multiple other learning areas.

The Sphero SPRK can be used and manipulated to support students learning in so many ways. Some of these ways are listed below:

  • It can be used to teach and practice coding.
  • It can be used in the Arts for painting and creative tasks.
  • It can be used to simulate solving a maze.
  • It can be used in the early years for learning colours.
  • It can be used to learn about shapes
  • It can be used to reinforce and practice angles (mathematics) in a practical way


Link to the resource


Content Descriptor Example

Design, modify, follow and represent both diagrammatically, and in written text, simple algorithms (sequence of steps) involving branching (decisions) and iteration (repetition) (ACTDIP019)


Cross curriculum priorities and general capabilities

Critical and creative thinking

Personal and social capability

Information and Communication Technology (ICT)




Links to other learning areas






Skills developed


Practical use of angles

Problem Solving


Arts skills such as drawing, design, colours and painting



Sphero (

SPRK Lightning Lab (

Sphero Macrolab (

Sphero Draw N’ Drive (

Sphero Golf (

Sphero Cam (