Mindmap: Growing our own wheat lessons

Year two students are currently studying a unit of work in the Technologies- Design and Technologies knowledge and understanding curriculum in Food and fibre productions. This lesson will be the third lesson out of the five lesson program. Students will be growing their own wheat to put themselves in the shoes of a farmer after they have been introduced, in previous lessons, to farms and animals and plants that are on farms that provide us with food. They will have covered a lesson on wheat and the process of growing and producing wheat into flour for our food.

F-2 Content Description
Food and fibre production: Explore how plants and animals are grown for food, clothing and shelter and how food is selected and prepared for healthy eating.

Exploring which plants and animals can provide food or materials for clothing and shelter and what basic needs those plants and animals have.

Please download my Mindmap 

Computer Lab Favourites from Scholastic!

Subject: Digital Technologies

Year Level: K-5 separated into grades k-2 and 3-5

Strand: Digital Technologies- Process and Production skills

Sub strand: Using Digital systems

Link to the resource:
Teacher View:

Student View:

Cross curriculum priorities and general capabilities:
Information and Communication Technology (ICT), Literacy (LIT), Critical and creative thinking (CCT)

Links to other learning areas:
English, Mathematics, Social Studies and Science

A classroom activity using this resource:
This resource could be an engaging way to introduce or be used as a follow up lesson from the introductory lesson to poetry for year five students. Using the interactive poetry idea engine you can start students off from any of the four types of poetry ranging from haiku, limerick, cinquain and free verse. A whole class discussion can take place about the type of poetry and information provided digitally, and then as a class, or in pairs on ipads, students can create their own poem using the interactive poem creator.

How to use this resource:
To use this resource you simply choose what learning area you are covering and the year level of your students. Multiple interactive activities will come up with a short caption describing the activity i.e. Language, grades 3-5, Story Starters- “Generate a creative writing prompt and pick one of four formats to print your finished story” (Scholastic, 2014).