Run Marco!

Resource: Run Marco!

Subject: Digital Technologies

Year Level: Foundation – year 2

Strand: Digital Technologies processes and production skills

Sub Strand: Using digital systems

2.5 Follow, describe, represent and play with a sequence of steps and decisions needed to solve simple problems.

Link To Resource:


Cross curriculum priority and General Capabilities:

Critical and creative thinking (CCT) and Information and Communication Technology capability (ICT)

Links to other learning areas:

English and Mathematics

Content Descriptors: Follow, describe and represent a sequence of steps and decisions (algorithms) needed to solve simple problems

Content Elaboration: experimenting with very simple, step-by-step procedures to explore programmable devices. For example providing instructions to physical or virtual objects or robotic devices to move in an intended manner, such as following a path around the classroom

About the resource:

Run Marco is an effective teaching resource used within the classroom when introducing younger students to the concept of coding. The program features visual instructions to guide Marco through a series of levels as he tries to discover himself. It offers endless adventuring which supports learning in a range of computer programming concepts, including sequence of commands, iterations, conditions, functions and algorithms. Run Marco is a colourful, exciting and thoroughly enjoyable program that both teachers and students can enjoy discovering. Being available on both iPad and Android also makes it extremely convenient to use in the classroom.

Resource used in the classroom:

  • Run Marco can be incorporated into mathematics, it requires students to work on their counting up when directing Marco to the target. This fun and engaging activity also facilitates diverse learners.
  • In literacy students can further elaborate, writing about the journey/adventures Marco is experiences during their quest.
  • Run Marco offers embedded coaching to support students making it easier for teachers to run in the classroom.
  • Teachers and students can also build their own games for other peers to try. This also supports developing critical and creative thinking.

By Felice Crisp


Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority (2016). Taken from website:

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One thought on “Run Marco!

  1. This is a great game for introducing and building children’s skills in decision making,producing sequence of steps and coding through play! I like how it lets students work at their own pace with visual instructions. I also like how the game starts basic and builds upon previously learned skills as the levels progress.

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