Educreations in a Year 3 Classroom

What is Educreations?

Educreations is an app that allows students and teachers to share ideas, collaborate and learn new things. It is used for flipped learning in the classroom.

How to use Educreations

You can capture your ideas by recording your voice and iPad screen to create video tutorials that students and their peers can access any time.


 You can import images, documents and other videos as well to help teach a concept, or explain an idea.


With Educreations, you also have the option to share your recording to social media, Google Drive, email and YouTube. It is a great way to share student work with parents or to incorporate flipped learning.


Educreations in a Year 3 Classroom 

On a previous practicum I used Educreations in a Year 3 classroom during a mathematics lesson. Educreations was used to gain a deeper understanding of the thinking students have when solving a mathematics equation.  I gave students a simple mathematics equation and they used Educreations to write, draw, and explain their thinking aloud when solving this equation. It allowed me to be able to gain an understanding of the thought processes students have and how I could address any misconceptions they may have had. 


Curriculum Links 

Subject: Digital Technologies
Year Level: 3
Curriculum Links/ Content Descriptors:
Digital Technology 

  • Digital systems and peripheral devices are used for different purposes (ACTDIK007)
  • Create and communicate ideas and information safely (ACTDIP013)
  • Create a sequence of steps to solve a given task
  • Develop and communicate ideas using labelled drawings and appropriate technical terms

General Capabilities:

  • Critical and creative thinking 
  • Computational thinking

Links to Other Learning Areas:

  • Mathematics
  • Science
  • Literacy

Link to Educreations Website:


Mind Meister Map

By Amy Anderson

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