Learning how to program through Scratch.




Digital technologies

Year Level:

4 and 5


Process and production skills

Sub strand:

Digital implementation

Content descriptor:

Use simple visual programming environments that include a sequence of steps (algorithm) involving decisions made by the user (branching) (ACTDIP011)

Link to the resource:


Cross-curriculum priorities and general capabilities:

Links to other learning areas:

  • English
  • Maths

A classroom activity using this resource:

The PLURALSIGHT website provides free online programming courses available for all ages. The courses are explained through a series of videos which are accompanied by notes and heavily scaffolded steps. Slides are able to be paused and revisited at a later time. Explanations are thorough and written in plain standard Australian English making it accessible for most students. The courses introduce computing and computer science to a younger audience using a program named Scratch. Through Scratch students will eventually learn about programming and how to program on their own.

How to use this resource:

Each course is split up into different components which vary in time, the teacher will need to allocate at least three 45-50 minute full lessons to the Scratch programming course. Each child will need their own device where they can access the program. The teacher should first demonstrate how to get students on the website and direct students to where they need to begin. The teacher will also need to be keeping an eye on students progress. This can be done by observing students as they work. Students may also be required to keep a journal about their day to day progress with their programming.

-Isabelle Pitchen 10321170

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