Puppet Pals App

Subject: Digital Technologies

Year Level: 3-6

Strand:Digital Technologies processes and production skills

Sub strand:Using digital systems

4.4 Use a range of digital systems and peripherals for diverse purposes, and transmit different types of data

Link to the resource

Cross curriculum priorities and general capabilities
Literacy (LIT), Critical and creative thinking (CCT), Personal and social capability (PSC), Information and Communication Technology (ICT)

Links to other learning areas
English, History, Geography

A classroom activity using this resource
This is a creative way of allowing students to act out their own imaginative texts recounts, reports, titles, presentations and more in literacy. Once the students have created a written text aligning with the Australian Curriculum, they can then go on this app that allows them to get creative. They can create an interactive puppet show including voice recorder, creating characters and movements. Teachers can share this via email to their parents and copy and paste it on the school blog.

How to use this resource
As most school have access to iPads, teachers need to:

  1. download the app “PUPPETPALS 2” for free
  2. read the instructions. It is easy to use for teachers and students. The app goes step by step instructions on what to do.


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4 thoughts on “Puppet Pals App

  1. This would be useful for primary aged students with a diverse range of abilities and dispositions to present their work. It is always nice to find new ways of presenting work that take students away from traditional pen, paper, scissor and glue methods of presenting. I also think it is particularly useful for students who may be a little shy or have trouble speaking when delivering their ideas to a classroom audience. An additional benefit is that the presentation can be kept for longevity and viewed by other teachers and parents/caregivers.

  2. This would be a wonderful way to get students to recreate past historical events in a format that they would be more inclined to remember! Students could also watch and take notes on their peers’ work to broaden their knowledge on a range of events throughout history. As part of this, they could comment on the accuracy of each video and suggest possible changes (within reason). Great resource!

  3. I have seen this app before, but not used it in a classroom setting. I think using this app to communicate students understanding encourages students to engage more with the task.

    Even though this resource is listed for use with students from year 3-6, I believe it could be effectively used in a high school setting as the images used are not targeted to a very young audience. The only issue with this resource would be the ability to access iPads. I know not a lot of schools have an abundance of iPads for students to use.

    I will be adding this resource to my collection and am excited to try it in a classroom setting.

  4. What a fantastic app. It could be used to communicate some really difficult concepts in a fun way as well. I am really excited about using this one. Shelly Neilsen

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