Creating your own product packaging

View full Word document with images: Advertising packaging design options

Theme: Creating your own product packaging for a new type of snack bar

Alignment with Curriculum:

4.6 Generate, develop, evaluate, communicate and document design ideas and design decisions using manual and digital technologies

Focus Questions:

  • What about the colours what do they mean? How do they make you feel?
  • How does the language of advertising change? Why does it change?
  • What are some materials that are used in packaging?
  • What types of materials are sustainable and recyclable?
  • What type of information or text do packages have on them if they want to appeal to kids?
  • What about parents or other adults?
  • Are there certain bits of information that the packaging must have? For example food packaging, cleaning products?

Materials Required:

Students design options

Range of material – depending on what the students designs require

Computer lab if needed


Pencils – lead and coloured

Fine liner pen – different thicknesses

Camera- if needed

Cross-Curricular Links:


  • Understand differences between the language of opinion and feeling and the language of factual reporting or recording (ACELA1489)
  • Understand how texts vary in complexity and technicality depending on the approach to the topic, the purpose and the intended audience (ACELA1490)
  • Explore the effect of choices when framing an image, placement of elements in the image, and salience on composition of still and moving images in a range of types of texts (ACELA1496)

Step by step Instructions:

Step 1:

Revise what the students covered in the past 2 lessons regarding advertising and packaging conventions and materials. Use the concept map the students created on the SMART board to help.

Step 2:

Draw the net for the shape of the packaging the student requires.

Make sure students use a ruler

Step 3:

Students add the logo, slogan, other advertising or packaging conventions, the type of language they will use, describe any images they are wanting to use and state their target audience.

Step 4:

Students add colour and explain the emotion and/or message they are portraying through the use of colour.

Step 5:

Repeat steps 2-4 so each student ends up with 3 different design ideas

Balloon Rockets –

Download the full Word version with images: Balloon Rocket

Band Level:

Year 5 and Year 6 Australian Curriculum: Technologies (dra9) Strand: Design and Technologies knowledge and understanding Content Descriptor: Explain how forces or electrical energy can be used to control movement, sound or light in a product or system and consider how material properEes and construcEon processes influence the design and construcEon of structures.

Cross curricular links: Literacy, science

This unit of work involves students looking at the evoluEon of space travel, from the history of first experience outside the Earth’s atmosphere to Sir Richard Branson’s dream of Virgin GalacEc and commercial passenger travel into space. Students will apply the knowledge acquired to construct and launch a space cra9. At the conclusion of these learning experiences students will be able to: – Facilitate research to plan and collaboraEvely design a space cra9. – CriEcally analyse the materials required and designs constructed to assemble a space cra9 from recyclable materials. – Explain the theory behind the moEon of force specifically looking into Newton’s ‘third law of moEon’. – Safely launch the rocket ship and use mathemaEcal concepts to calculate the height The third sequenDal lesson involves students working in groups of mixed abiliDes to invesDgate propulsion theories by conducDng a ‘Balloon Rocket’ experiment.

Divide it up Puppies App

View full Word version: Divide It Up Puppies

Mathematics / 4 / Number and Algebra / Money and financial mathematics

Curriculum content descriptions

Solve problems involving purchases and the calculation of change to the nearest five cents with and without digital technologies


  • recognising that not all countries use dollars and cents, eg India uses rupees.
  • carrying out calculations in another currency as well as in dollars and cents, and identifying both as decimal systems

General capabilities

  • Literacy
  • Numeracy
  • Intercultural understanding
  • Critical and creative thinking
  • ICT competence

Mathematics / 5 / Number and Algebra / Number and place value

Curriculum content descriptions

Use efficient mental and written strategies and apply appropriate digital technologies to solve problems


  • using calculators to check the reasonableness of answers

General capabilities

  • Literacy
  • Numeracy
  • Critical and creative thinking
  • ICT competence

World Worm

Download the full Word version: Virtual Task 3


Australian Curriculum outcomes:

  • To investigate and play with technologies, materials and systems used to identify properties and create designed solutions for personal and local community needs
  • Living things live in different places where their needs are met (ACSSU211)
  • People use science in their daily lives, including when caring for their environment and living things (ACSHE022)

Learning Area: Biological Science/Critiquing exploring and investigating ideas
Learning Experience Focus: Science/ Design and Technologies Processes and Production Skills

Using the app

Step 1: Locate classroom Ipads

Step 2: Enter App store and type in Worm World into the search engine

Step 3: Install the ‘Worm World’ App

You are now ready to conduct your lesson!!

Sit your students down with their Ipads and together navigate through the worm world welcome page and through the initial instructions with the students. Remember to show the students that you can pause and recommence the game at any time.

This lesson can be effectively implemented into the Year 1 Science and Design and Technology Curriculum as it teaches student cause and effect, as well as how to sustain growth and care for living animals. It allows students to discover the necessary means to support a plant structure by creating fertile soil and maintaining soil levels and worm production in a virtual sense. This can lead to a whole class project to create a real worm farm and harvest the fertiliser for a vegetable garden or other food produce such as herbs or fruit gardens.


  • Students relate science to human activities in the home and school, such as caring for garden plants and animals.
  • Identify products that can be designed and produced from plants and animals for example fertiliser from worm farms.
  • Demonstrate how science is used in activities such as caring for plants and animals.
  • Students identify that soil is a type of habitat that supports living things.


Australian Curriculum Assessment and Reporting Authority. (2013, February). Draft Australian Curriculum: Technologies. Retrieved from Australian Curriculum:

Australian Curriculum Assessment and Reporting Authority. (2014). Australian Curriculum Science Year 1. Retrieved from Australian Curriculum:

Brisbane City Council. (2012). Worm World. Retrieved January 10, 2014, from

Sustainable housing

View the full word version: Sustainable housing

Theme: Designing and building sustainable homes

Australian Technologies curriculum

6.6 Critique, explore and investigate needs or opportunities for designing and analyse and select appropriate materials, components, tools and processes to achieve intended designed solutions

Focus questions

What are the benefits/ disadvantages of the design features of the houses pictured?

What are some eco friendly/ sustainable technologies used in houses?

Which technologies would benefit the location of your house?

Explain how the materials you have used are sustainable.

Explain how the design features of you house make it more sustainable.

Explain how you have used sustainable/ eco friendly technologies in your house.

Materials required and the location of any additional supporting information that will assist develop learning materials for your class.

Design programs such as mind craft, educreations. Range of materials: plastic bottles, pvc pipe, wood planks, tiles, cotton wool, polystyrene cups, bubble wrap, straw, clay, stones, slate, cork, sticks, corrugated iron, construction toys such as Lego, Mobilo, wooden blocks. iPads, class computers, pictures.

Cross-curriculum learning experiences

Asia and Australia’s engagement with Asia. – students explore housing in different regions of Asia and compare them with Australian houses.

Sustainability – students identify sustainable materials and technologies used in housing.

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Histories and Cultures – Students explore traditional and contemporary indigenous housing.

English – Oral language collaborating with others/ sharing of ideas


Reasons why Chinese migrants moved to Australia

Download full Word version with images: Reasons why Chinese migrants moved to Australia


Students will individually and collaboratively engage in the unit of work by designing a series of thumbnail sketches that illustrates a Chinese migrants journey to Australia. Students will sketch multiple images from making inferences on related pieces of information.

Learning Area(s):

  1. History
  2. Design and Technologies knowledge and understanding

Learning Experience focus:

Reasons why people from Europe and Asia migrated to Australia – Australian Curriculum History, 2013

Content Descriptor:

6.2 Identify and explain properties and characteristics of a range of technologies, materials, systems, tools and equipment and evaluate the impact of their use locally, regionally and globally – Australian Curriculum of Technologies, 2013

Cross-Curriculum Opportunities:

  • Asia and Australia’s engagement with Asia
  • Sustainability


  • IWB
  • A4 colored cardboard
  • Images of different nationalities
  • Colored pencils
  • S&E books

Key questions:

  • What nationality is this?
  • Where do they live?
  • How do you think these nationalities contribute to Australia?
  • What are the characteristics of both the Chinatown/Australian town?
  • Are there any similarities?
  • What is a journey?


  • Introduce unit of work reasons why people from Europe and Asia migrated to Australia
  • Gain students interest by displaying different nationalities images
  • Further elaborating on images by engaging in THINK, PAIR, SHARE supports students critiquing, exploring and investigating needs and opportunities
  • After THINK, PAIR, SHARE further elaborate on experiences relating to students own personal experiences

Key questions:

How do you think these nationalities contribute to Australia?

Where do they live?

How do you think these nationalities contribute to Australia?


  • Introduce concept of Thumbnail Sketches
  • Displaying example of previous thumbnail sketches, engage in class discussion about concept
  • Linking task to learning focus Reasons why people from Europe and Asia migrated to Australia – Australian Curriculum History, 2013 – display Chinatown buildings images
  • Show Chinatown buildings side-by-side with Australian towns
  • Students viewing buildings side by side provides visual aid assistance
  • Engage in class discussion about characteristics and/or similarities between the two countries townhouses
  •  Class discussion continues about the reasoning of Chinese migrants making the journey to Australia – main focus using the 5W’s model to elaborate on discussion
  • After the discussion link focus from 5W’s model and link towards thumbnail sketches
  • Emphasising concept of journey by organising students into pairs to discuss definition of word ‘journey’
  • Students begin doing rough draft of thumbnails – the concept of sequential ordering from thumbnail of sketches


  • Any thumbnail sketches done ahead must be acknowledged and praised
  • Evaluating should be demonstrated on board for students to understood into text book students are writing on


Designing a musical instrument

Theme: Rainforests

Overall task: Students create a rainforest soundscape as a group. Students must include their handmade instruments in their soundscape.

This is the design stage of the program. Students design an instrument and sketch their instrument with a step by step method of the creation process.

Year: 4

Learning area:  Design and Technologies processes and production skills

Focus: Generating, developing and evaluating ideas

Content Descriptor: 4.6 Generate, develop, evaluate, communicate and document design ideas and design decisions using both manual and digital technologies

Materials needed: Materials depend on the instrument of each student.

Focus questions: What sounds are heard in a rainforest? What instruments can make these sounds



Students work in groups to collaborate an idea for their rainforest soundscape. They brainstorm their ideas on a share piece of paper. As a group students decide which instruments they will need in order to create the sounds need for their soundscape.

Group Brainstorm


Students begin designing their instrument. Students look at how to structure it and what materials are needed to create their instrument.

Rainstick Design


Once student have constructed their design on their instrument they need to write out a plan that describes the steps needed to create their instrument. Including the materials need.

Instructions to creating a rainstick

Cooking with comparison

Download the word version: Task three

Students are in a Year four class from an Independent school in the Eastern suburbs. They have 25 students in their class, one with special needs who requires an EA. In technology students are looking how the change of technology influences our lives. In this lesson students are required to compare the use of making a cake with a wooden spoon vs. electric beaters. Letters/emails were sent home asking for parents help for their children to experience life before technology. Four parents have been able to help. This allows for five groups of five to have a parent helper and an EA supervise.

Alignment with ACARA:

4.1Recognise factors that impact on the design of products, services and environments including the roles of designers and technologists to meet local community needs.

4.3 Recognise the contribution food and fibre productions and food technologies make to modern and traditional societies.

Focus question: How the change of technology influences our lives

Materials required: Recipe, two bowls, wooden spoon, electric beater, eggs, milk, butter and sugar.

Cross-curricular links and General capabilities:

Personal and social capability (PSC)

Measurement and Geometry (using units of measurement) Use scaled instruments to measure masses, capacities (ACMMG084

  1. Students read through recipe and decide how they will take turns adding and mixing the ingredients.
  2. Students have measured and weigh the ingredients.
  3. Students take turns of mixing the ingredients with the wooden spoon.
  4. Parent helper starts mixing then invites one students at a time to have a turn with the electric beater.
  5. After the ingredients have been combined, students spoon the mixture into the cake tins.
  6. Parent helpers/EA’s take the tins to the oven.
  7. Students complete the compare and contrast table on the bottom of the recipe.




Students finish product.




Bread making

View the full Word version with images: Bread making

The theme of the lessons is bread making for year 5 students. Students learn about the different types of bread around the world and have the opportunity to design and make their own bread from scratch. Students also learn how bread can vary as a product to meet consumer needs and preferences.

Focus Questions

What types of bread can you think of?

What are some of the purposes of bread in different cultures?

Why do some cultures make particular types of bread?

What is yeast and how can it grow?

What nutritional benefits does bread have?

What can be added to bread when designing to add nutritional value?

Australian Technologies curriculum

6.5 Investigate how food preparation techniques can be selected and used to design and produce nutritious food

Cross-curriculum learning


  • Students can learn about yeast needing warmth, food, moisture to grow and its role in bread making
  • The changes that dough experiences through heat


  • Students learn key writing skills through the planning, writing and editing of recipe


  • Researching different types of bread and their country of origin.


Mixing Bowl

Wooden spoon

Measuring jug

Measure spoons

Bread tin


  • white or wholemeal bread flour
  • yeast
  • salt
  • olive oil
  • honey
  • Hot water

Classroom management and health and safety

  • Assign small groups in advance and explain the flow of the class beforehand so students know what is expected from them
  • Have a station for all ingredients and one person from each group to be the ingredient collector.
  • Wear a clean apron.
  • Wear closed-in shoes to protect feet.
  • Wash hands before and after handling food.
  • Keep food preparation surfaces clean
  • Use oven mitts when taking hot dishes from the oven

Step by step instructions

  1. Tip the flour, yeast and salt into a large bowl and mix together with your hands.
  1. Stir hand-hot water with the oil and honey, then stir into the dry ingredients to make a soft dough.
  1. Turn the dough out onto a lightly floured surface and knead for 5 mins, until the dough no longer feels sticky, sprinkling with a little more flour if you need it.
  1. Place dough in a bowl and cover. Leave for approx. 40 mins until dough has risen
  1. Oil the loaf tin and put the dough in the tin, pressing it in evenly.
  1. Heat oven to 200C/fan 180C/gas 6. Make several slashes across the top of the loaf with a sharp knife, then bake for 30-35 mins until the loaf is risen and golden. Tip it out onto a cooling rack and tap the base of the bread to check it is cooked. It should sound hollow. Leave to cool